Some nerd that likes open-source

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Yeah it’s crazy to me that proprietary standers exists at all but they’re everywhere

Can you name a few? I’ve been wanting to learn a new language but I’ve always heard Duolingo isn’t the way to go

Pretty sure it was a joke cause league bad haha. I stopped playing when it stopped working on my system. I hate myself but not enough to install windows just to play league

Didn’t know this. I’ll have to try to set it to a certain version instead of proton experimental. Thanks

It’s getting fucking ridiculous and I tried to turn it off but the stuttering was horrible

People are retarded and like being controlled. It’s a bleak future

Honestly it’s just going from one bad app host (discord) to another that could be less bad but still has all your data (revolt). You can host your own revolt server but you won’t be able to join any of revolts servers. Matrix is just plain better for privacy and security. I do like to see more alternatives out there tho