• 19 Posts
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


nah, they can collect every data they want. I just don’t know how creative they can be when collecting.

on a serious note: you’re using their O.S. I don’t even know the depths of what they can collect about your usage.

put the URLs below the titles and make the urls use a lighter color, like a shade of gray instead of black

and you are right! I gave it another shot and I can run at 30 fps at 768p. I’m still curious if I can disable something using the terminal, I see that people replied with links to help me with that, I’ll watch them later.

Is it possible to downgrade the CS 2 graphics to run on an absolute potato?
My computer can run team fortress 2, but setting everything on low on counter-strike 2 doesn't make it playable. Can I change something in the terminal to make the game even uglier to run on my pc? Here's my neofetch result: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/b7a0d647-6e08-488e-921b-7ffb707c7d0a.png)

Link to the thread: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/545-drivers-have-bad-flickering-and-black-screen-issues-when-vrr-is-enabled/269801/31

Team Fortress 2 Getting Linux 64Bit Support
Earlier today Valve made a new depot for TF2 called "x64_linux_test". Maybe this mean well get a native 64 bit client ( and hopefully DXVK instead of ToGL please Valve) or this is just server stuff https://steamdb.info/app/440/depots/?branch=x64_linux_test https://twitter.com/DidTF2GetUpdate/status/1748525143700214007