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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Windows people don’t get async saves? Wtf. Where are the Spyware benifits?

Factorio is so amazing on linux. Like the devas actually care about Linux. They care so much that went on to shit on Gnome for no client side decorations. Absolute legends. Wish more studios wer like them.

I have been using Linux for some time now and the only place where I encounter problems is the office suit. Like Libre office basically meets all my needs, but when I share the docs to other people, somehow Ms office fucks it up. I don’t know how to fix it.

I like what glorious eggroll is doing and would love to try it. But it’s a no go for me since it has no selinux.

Exactly. I would rather have to work a little and full control rather than non being able to work on problems they shove on me because I have no control

I also have thought that in case I need a windows install later on I can just create a vm with network access cut off.

I know. Plus it’s OUR operating system.

You are basically me a few months back. Just give it enough time and Microsoft will get on your nerves.

BTW, do you know Microsoft tries to decrypt and index all your data on one drive using the info it already knows about you and on win11 all your documents pictures etc folders are on one drive? Food for thought.

I didn’t know about no bara until today. Maybe I will check it out. But i am really comfortable in fedora now, so if something borks, I will check it.

I finally nuked Windows
I have been daily driving a dual booted laptop for the past two years. After a year of distro hopping I settled with fedora + kde and never looked back. I really liked the auto nvidia driver config and it made everything so pleasant to work. Since the last 8 or 9 months I decided to do gaming using bottles and proton ge. I cannot afford to buy games and bottles is a God send at that. Now I realized that I had not logged into my windows partition in over 6 months. So I logged in to check and it told me it needs to download 8 gigs of updates. That sent me into rage and so clean installed everything to be fedora. I have 250 gb of storage locked in limbo because of windows( I have a 512 gb ssd so it was a lot) and today after everything was setup, the os took only around 20gb minus the games. Never felt happier.