People erroneously believe that the Nazis fled to Argentina. This is not true, they were given high-ranking jobs within America’s institutions.

Some nazis were given high ranking jobs in the US, typically those who were good at science and math (although we got a lot more of our big science brains from refugees fleeing the German Reich. Brain drain in autocratic and fascist movements is a very real thing, and has happened in multiple fields here in the states).

When it came to NSDAP Idealogues, we didn’t really need to import any, as all of our big industrialists were pro-NSDAP and believed in the ideology independently (which is to say they agreed with them, and still do, even if they don’t regard themselves as aligned with the NSDAP political party). Those that did come here were friends of gazillionaires (who would be billionaires today, though the dollar was stronger then. J. P. Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller all were 100-millionaires.

Plenty of escaping Nazi officers fled across the world. South American nations are notorious because they weren’t actively hunting them down (yet) so they required less subversion getting through customs, and then could work out identity changes and fade into seclusion later. Plenty did come to the United States, pretending to be someone else, since they didn’t have rocket science cred.

plenty of escaping Nazi officers fled…

This is a misattribution. Nazi officers were protected, transported, and given new lives by the US military and the Vatican working together.

Also in German institutions and the government. I mean what else are you gonna do? Put women in charge? /s

Nazis absolutely went to Argentina, just not all Nazis

The Boys from Brazil

Source: a play

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