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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2021


Get off Telegram, nothing good has ever come from that client.

Facebook the company. If you included the people on the platform it’s done FAR worse than just that.

Use a script obfuscator. I’ve been using one for about a decade now and it’s extremely easy to tell when companies are doing illegal spying. Looking at YOU ebay. My full name is not GKDSLGFJDS ZKGWKDSF, you fucking assholes. Enjoy the cement shoes when the advertisers you sold “my information” to find out that it’s nothing but strings of randomly long random characters, kinda like what happened to twitter when they started lying and saying everyone who used their platform was SUPER into crypto (Yes, this was pre-Elon. All Musk did was bring the nazism of the platform to the surface. For an example of what twitter was really like you need look no further than BlueSky where you need to go out of your want to “disable nazis” because the CEO is convinced the average person wants to see hitler apologia)

The free market has always resulted in the best outcomes for the people!!

99% of the planet are sheep who just click the first thing that shows up, if not enables autoplay while it feeds them incel nazi conspiracy shit.

I remembered there was a thing that came out not too long ago that proved that silicon valley executives literally don’t know what consent is.

Aw fuck, time for youtube to force that shitty game into my sub feed again. For fuck sake just die already.

EDIT: Come on you all know that’s true, the gameplay sucks and the skin economy is basically just NFTs. You cannot in good faith say you genuinely enjoy the game so much as trapped within it because the community is a fucking cult, one which is forced onto you by every platform at every moment after your escape.

How desperate they are to force that shit onto everyone should tell you everything you need to know about what their intentions are.

If you’re asking me if i’m jealous the answer is no: why would I be jealous of someone who isn’t allowed 6 feet around a school?

There are two people, those who think bitcoin is a scam and those who benefit from the scam.

Reconsider. Crypto has been outed as a scam for almost a decade now. If something requires it, it’s absolutely a scam.

People erroneously believe that the Nazis fled to Argentina. This is not true, they were given high-ranking jobs within America’s institutions.

I’m on the verge of quitting after dealing with fucking groomers and nazis in ever server. I’ve already pulled out of every server and have remained DM-only. As I lose my last few friends my incentives to stay are going to be severely tested by having to deal with advertisements.

Doesn’t this go against their own terms of service?

People really find it hard to grasp that stuff you willingly post online in a public way can be seen by everyone. There was a thread here earlier about people flabbergasted that the admins of email services can read their unencrypted emails you send through their servers. Top response was said admins going “yes we can read your emails, no we don’t, we have better things to be doing with our time.”

Typical for dudebro libertarians not to understand what consent is until you file the restraining order.

“Nuh-uh, am not!” is the ultimate legal defence and you can’t convince me otherwise.

I don’t think that’s enforceable, it would be like if there was a sign that said “do not read me” which some games have done as a joke.

You’re connecting to their servers. They’re going to get your IP. This is unavoidable.

They can even * [gasp] * read the messages and things you willingly post onto their servers.

What happened to the lawsuit that said that emulation is legal?

It’s pretty much an open secret at this point that most tor exit nodes are controlled by the FBI.

Or do it like they do in China: if your company breaks the law you have two choices: donate it to the government or we take your CEO behind the shed for questioning.

This just in, slavery co. branded machines have been found partaking in illegal espionage, much to everyone’s shock.

You’re throwing off huge “they’re taking my slaves” energy.

You’re really not missing out. I swear 90% of the youtube comments I end up getting are from hardcore nazis.

It’s a right wing propaganda site. The stuff that was taken down was for very good reason.

Censored Posts at Health Canada’s Request

“So vaccine disinformation? What’s wrong with that?” was the first thought that went through my head. Like this isn’t some kind of fascist institution, they just want to make sure people aren’t going to fucking die because some evil prick filled their mind with dangerous garbage.

Everyone less fascist than me is a russian bot

Average sh.ithead