mo_ztt ✅

I don’t know anything about you as a person and it’s hard to judge anything from text. But the way you’ve approached this comment thread comes across as mad rude, yes. And I think that’s why you’re getting such a negative reaction (more so than anything to do with Firefox).

If you were at a party or in some group chatting, and you had a point to make but said people weren’t allowed to talk to you on the topic until they’d completely watched a 15-minute video, and people mostly said they didn’t want to do that, but some person did go off and watch around 10 minutes of the video and came back and started trying to explain to everyone some of what was in it, and you just turned to him and said, “You miss some important points,” and then turned away without saying anything else — taken as a whole that’d be pretty rude, right? Or do you not think so?

Good explaination. I think we assume people understand social contexts but some people dont… and they mean no harm, but they just dont think the same way. Then its really good to show how others may understand the situation.

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