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Are you high?


Explain to me how you would perform any sort of tracking via a secured communication between two devices: ‘hey phone, can you beep once’ ‘sure’ beep.

Sure. An ex-boyfriend doesn’t take the breakup from his girlfriend well, and decides to locate her. He remembers his phone used to be paired with hers, and decides to use that to find her.

As much as you want to fight me and make fun of me for this, this is a serious concern.

That makes no sense.

We aren’t talking about two phones paired with each other, were talking about a pair of headphones or a smart watch, causing the phone it’s linked to to make a sound. Nothing more.

There is absolutely 0 opportunity to acquire a location from that.

Beyond that; apple products, specifically airpods and apple’s smart watch, have these abilities.

Why would it be a security flaw to allow an Apple manufactured device to perform these functions, but not a third party device, utilizing the exact same implementations?

Try again.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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