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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 13, 2023


Take this for what you will there’s been no supplied evidence just throwing it out there

Same for me, installed arch with archinstall, it installed faster than windows does, and I haven’t had to modify anything or tinker with anything. Even Steam games work out of the box with compatibility mode

Guilded is owned by Roblox Corporation last I checked, a company that promotes getting children addicted to stock market gambling, taking advantage of young child developers, and a platform that doesn’t respect your privacy in the slightest, asking for ID just to use voice chat (because of their major pedo problem).

So I probably wouldn’t use Guilded

Calyx does a lot of snitching on you

That is certainly over dramatic for what is in that article. All they do with Google is trivial things like updating your systems internal clock. A large portion of what is in that article is able to be disabled and prevented by not using Micro-G.

There seems to be massive beef and drama between Calyx and Graphene communities, I have no idea what any of that is about, but this dramatization doesn’t help.

Apologies, I didn’t mean to post a paywalled article. I read several and this is just the one that I copied the link to. You can always look it up for yourself though

Yeah come to think of it that title is poorly written

Check out Yattee on the App Store for a YouTube front end utilizing Invidious and Newpipe instances. Can even self host those if you want