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How is it “outrageous” when you’re accessing a service through a means that is not supported, and likely frowned upon? They are not obligated to make everything work through those means.

I write as a daily user of newpipe, which I love dearly!


You and OP are both right, IMHO.

The issue is that things like YouTube are so ubiquitous and have such a stranglehold that it seems like it should be a service in public control and without a corporate overlord with ulterior motives. That’s the strange thing about the internet right now and ultimately the stage of capitalism we’re in: there are a ton of tacit monopolies which are not being held to any standard about what they control. Some of them look a lot like utilities (e.g. ISPs) since they are so ubiquitous (and compare YouTube to public television 50 years ago – not a utility, but also not something that has traditionally been possible for any single corporation).

That said, ultimately these companies will continue to do whatever they want because they can (until real regulation returns, but I have my qualms it will ever happen at this point).

Let’s say we continue down this path. Soon you can’t even live the way you want because some corp will control things like when you eat, when you sleep, what media you consume,… oh wait…

For a normal company, that is a perfectly reasonable policy. What’s really the outraging part here, is that YouTube holds a monopoly on tons of content.

People feel forced to access YouTube to live their lives, whether that’s just to watch entertainment they’ve followed for a while, or because a colleague sends a link to a YouTube video, or because when looking up stuff, the only explanation seems to be in a YouTube video.

If they could simply go to a competitor with a less shitty app, less awful privacy practices or a more open ecosystem, they wouldn’t need to complain about YouTube to begin with.

I mean you could start a competitor. So could anyone. Only a company like Google can afford to keep losing money on something like YouTube.

Funny thing is I wouldn’t want the content to be decentralized. It’s nice to find all my crap in one place; and let a big company waste money to serve it.

This corporate Stockholm syndrome is so sad. “We need a better jailer!”

In a better world, i.e. the one of the internet as it was designed, you wouldn’t need to look for “a competitor” to Youtube. People would publish their stuff anywhere, using any software, and open protocols would make it all easy to find. The “all my crap in one place” would just be a cached decentralized index of some kind.

Yes, I know that the better world is further off than ever, but it is possible and it is better.

I agree fully. People should move out of youtube. Situation really isn’t outrageous. Just a private company doing private company things. I hope this pushes more people to use/create alternatives.

Peertube is so much better than odysee and it’s a part of the fediverse just like lemmy

What would you say are your favorite peertube apps?

I agree, strange choice of words.

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