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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


“Crucially, the order did not provide the contents of the activist’s email, which are encrypted and cannot be accessed by Proton. Yen said a similar order would also not be able to provide ProtonVPN metadata, as VPNs are subject to different requirements under Swiss law.”

From the verge article

I’m sure it has nothing to do with musk planning his own encrypted Twitter DM feature.

This is all kinda of weirdness. You were the one who asked me a question, and I responded to it. And now I’m done. Have a nice day.

I quoted the bits that answer your question and which completely undermine the bits I didn’t quote.

Idk… my gut tells me… didn’t people say… might be… I’m probably going to be down voted to hell… if something’s too good to be true…

What a ridiculous response.

The deal was just announced, so I think it’s unreasonable to expect shared storage on day one. It does seem a logical thing to do in time, though.

We created a WordPress (installed on our server) blog which requires logins we have to approve. We share this with family members, with an email notification to them when something new is posted. They can post comments to the site.

We really actually did this for ourselves, as a kind of family photo album/blog, and so would have it even if no one else was invited :-)

This is brilliant. The government could put out a searchable database.

So that leaves two options then. Leave the front door wide open, don’t bother with any locks. Or shut down the web site. I’m for at least closing the door with the right robots.txt

Luckily we haven’t seen bad actors put in charge of the post office, doing unethical things, so all good here, nothing to see.

I never brought up colors, which are nothing like the specific and provable social media handles. Best not to lie on a visa application, especially not about something that can be proven with subpoenas.

Yes it’s lying. What if you left blank a request to list your criminal convictions?

It is conceivable to prove you have a social media account you denied having (seize your phone, your computer). It is not the same as having a favorite color.

The consequences of lying on a visa application can be severe, such as a ban on entering the US.

Have you tried cloning the app and making adjustments to it? https://appcloner.app/

How is it “outrageous” when you’re accessing a service through a means that is not supported, and likely frowned upon? They are not obligated to make everything work through those means.

I write as a daily user of newpipe, which I love dearly!