I literally haven’t seen anyone even mention it anywhere on the internet as if it never existed, when it comes to Ad blockers I always see uBO recommended with absolutely no mention whatsoever of ABP why? What makes it better than ABP? What happened to it? or maybe I’m wrong and ABP is not as well known as I think it is.

I have been using ABP for many years until someday don’t remember when I switched to uBO because I read that it is “the best ad blocker”.

I maybe need a history lesson as everything on the matter seems so vague to me and the whole situation is super weird

It absolutely has bearing. It’s directly related to how we consider our fellow humans.

It’s also not simply a question of more money. It can absolutely be a question of any money.

Is it ethical to consume a product or service put out for sale, in one method or another, to the public without paying for it?

If a local farmer sells eggs at a farmer’s market would you take one and eat it? Why or why not? Does the number of eggs he has for sale change your answer? What if others are also doing so? You did say there’s nothing wrong with trying to get everything for free before, didn’t you?


@Doug I want to know: Does the number of eggs he has for sale change YOUR answer?

If not, then what is the difference between you (with five eggs) and Nintendo (with five million eggs)?

There’s something perversely amusing, given the conversation, how you seem to expect me to answer your question without seemingly being willing to answer mine.

I’ll answer, but not until you’ve extended the courtesy of doing so yourself with the questions you’ve already been asked.


@Doug you are now blocked, goodbye

And nothing of value was lost I guess

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