• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


From what I gathered so far Control D paid plans seem to offer a similar level of customizability but its free offering falls short of NextDNS’s free plan, this should be a contributing factor too.

Same here and from what I gathered so far NextDNS seems the best option for me

NextDNS vs Control D vs Adguard DNS, which one is the best?
Did you try all of them? What made you stick with the one you are currently using? I became fully aware of Control D only yesterday as the name was vaguely familiar to me when I heard it and for Adguard DNS well I thought it was a normal-ish DNS service like 1 1 1 1, quad9, Google, etc... (not that user configurable). I tried looking for some reviews and discussions comparing the 3 but found almost nothing about Control D and Adguard DNS but I did stumble upon Control D CEO 2 blog posts comparing Adguard DNS and NextDNS to Control D. There seems to be not that much talk about these 2 unlike NextDNS which seems way more popular, if I'm correct then what made it way more popular and known?

I think the same but btw ABP is FOSS too

Indeed and they have been slowly copying TG, that’s good but it won’t make it a privacy-respecting IM app, also on the topic of backups unlike TG WA offers the option to E2E encrypt the backups but IMO they should enable it by default with no option to disable it, it won’t push users away and if TG were to make E2EE the default this would make the backup process less convenient not as “seamless” as TG want it to be, we would have to save the password of our backups or maybe we could use our fingerprint instead something like passkeys but this is a very minor inconvenience for us privacy advocates

It is a trash can of a platform anyway

Seems like a good opportunity to tell you all how amazing the ‘community added context under this tweet’ feature is

I second this, highly effective method that I strongly recommend, deleted WA and I’m now only on TG

All good answers here, here is what I got to say:

  • a lot of things could have resulted in such a thing and it is hard to give a definitive answer to your question without knowing everything I need to know, there may be and probably many privacy holes in your system and by system I mean your OS, software and your accounts settings on the internet
  • maybe you both wanna take a look at a summary of discord ToS, you might wanna keep tosdr in your bookmarks it is pretty handy and an awesome resource, anyway, are you convinced now? Ready to switch to a privacy-respecting alternative? Apparently there are some privacy-respecting Discord alternatives but IDK which to recommend as idk anything about them (at 1st I was going to recommend Telegram, matrix and signal but these are not a direct Discord alternative although you can use them to chat with your friend just fine)
  • switch to a privacy-respecting browser, I recommend Firefox to fight against the chromium/blink monopoly
  • opt out of all types of optional tracking/telemetry in everything you have
  • if you are willing to: look into setting up a system-wide ad/tracking blocker something like a PiHole or Adguard home

I literally haven't seen anyone even mention it anywhere on the internet as if it never existed, when it comes to Ad blockers I always see uBO recommended with absolutely no mention whatsoever of ABP why? What makes it better than ABP? What happened to it? or maybe I'm wrong and ABP is not as well known as I think it is. I have been using ABP for many years until someday don't remember when I switched to uBO because I read that it is "the best ad blocker". I maybe need a history lesson as everything on the matter seems so vague to me and the whole situation is super weird

Same here as I believe (and correct me if I’m wrong) some types of data that can be collected can be helpful to the driver devs, especially for arc but other than that everything else should be opt-in and they should ask for permission of the user

Stick with Android, you have much more control over the phone even when running stock compared to iOS Besides using Adguard you can also disable the apps you don’t want (some of which are used purely for tracking) using universal Android debloater and also turn of all kinds of tracking in the system

I love GrapheneOS and just wish that one day non-pixel devices start to meet the requirements to get official support

Allow internet access on a per-app basis and just like what NightOwl said be able to feed false permission data to apps

Yes except for the VPN as I know nothing about it but that doesn’t mean I’ll go and blindly recommend any product they release, as with every other company I will read about the product as much as necessary to make an educated decision

Besides it being more effective at blocking ads and trackers it won’t require a VPN connection to work

Between the ones I tried startpage, DDG, and Brave the 1st one gives me the best results, all of them are privacy respecting

I just requested the deletion of my account yesterday:) Calm down privacy devotees I did it only because I have no use for Facebook anymore

Never heard anything bad about it so should be safe although I prefer to uso apk mirror because of its reputation

There are many modified/modded versions of the official client but I don’t think they are “privacy hardened” in any way, they do offer a plethora of extra features though

For Android F-Droid not because it is my favorite but rather it’s the only one I know of