If you care about bios, you’re doing it wrong - new accounts use uefi.

Doer of things, sometimes.
Boosts things if they are generally interesting, since fediverse discoverability sucks.
I’m probably not upset about what you’re creating - only about what you’re destroying to make room.

mastodon.social is blocked due to the admins supporting antisemitism and the instance containing high levels of antisemitic spam as a result. Use a different instance.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


@zaknenou @privacy it usually uses Diffie-Hellman key exchange which generates a shared key without revealing it to anyone. There are other ways to do it too.

@Chozo @Kalcifer @clmbmb In capitalism, investors and owners are one and the same. Investors are owners. Owners are investors.

@CorrodedCranium Do you have any idea how many crypto scams have been declaring their annual allocation of funds for years?

@CorrodedCranium Yeah it’s just Tor + blockchain, for marketing and exitscam purposes.

Tor is pretty trusted for security. Lokinet isn’t.

@Jamie You’re now doing “If we can do bad things to Hitler then Hitler can do bad things to us.”

@PowerCrazy I know they didn’t. That person is saying they shouldn’t.

@dingus @zquestz the EFF is literally doing the “it’s not okay to ban Hitler from sitting just because he has different opinions” thing

@pjhenry1216 @zquestz @dingus are you seriously asking why it’s okay to let IBM sabotage Hitler?

@CorrodedCranium All cryptocurrency stuff is a scam. Why wouldn’t it just use Tor which already exists?

@CorrodedCranium @skymtf Session runs on a platform of NIH-Bitcoin and NIH-Tor. It’s an encrypted messenger and also a crypto scam.

@Harry_h0udini @privacy a guess: only in the same way every other app does - they ALL buy ads from these ad providers, which ALL track the contexts where their ads appear and link them to your profile and then serve ads related to your profile

@YaaAsantewaa @shreddy_scientist one reason is diversity, but yes, checking that with DNA is stupid because it matters much more where you grew up

@pjhenry1216 @MagneticFusion @eskimofry Nonetheless, the air you breathe WILL be sold by a corporation, and your comment will appear silly in that context. Corporations don’t go away just because you stop interacting with them - blanket refusal to interact mostly just handicaps yourself.

@Doug I want to know: Does the number of eggs he has for sale change YOUR answer?

If not, then what is the difference between you (with five eggs) and Nintendo (with five million eggs)?

@Doug This concern has no bearing on what happens downstream of you. The question is whether you can lock your product to gather more money to pay your bills with, and whether the person who consumes your product can unlock it meaning you don’t get as much money but they get an unlocked product.

@Doug the right of a provider of a thing to lock it down vs the right of a consumer of a thing to unlock it

@Doug would you like to play at a handicap against the rich? Or are you willing to copy their tactics and play even?

@Doug do you think that Nintendo has a right to lock down its consoles so you can only play licensed Nintendo games? This is basically the same thing.

In the usual situation, Nintendo has a right to try to lock down my console and I also have a right to try to unlock it. This is also the situation we have today with adblockers.

@Doug another perspective is that there’s nothing wrong with wanting everything for free.

@Doug @LinkOpensChest_wav noting that a fair subscription price for MOST websites is on the order of $1-$10 per user per YEAR.

@Doug @LinkOpensChest_wav for sites I very frequently use, I’m also happy to pay a subscription. I have been subscribed to LWN and to YouTube.

@Doug @LinkOpensChest_wav I used to think this way but so much advertising today is malware. I’m happy for sites to write simple text or image ads that won’t even be detected by adblockers, much less actually blocked. It’s the pile of JavaScript that’s the problem, and it’s the pile of JavaScript that adblockers block.

@Helldiver_M @Dubious_Fart @leraje actually the port forwarding thing is about accepting inbound connections. Without port forwarding, NAT routers (including VPNs) randomly allocate ports for outbound connections but still won’t accept inbound connections on those same ports.

There’s a trick where you discover the randomly allocated port numbers and then both connect to each other at the same time so both routers think it’s outbound. It works unreliably and BitTorrent doesn’t use it.

@randomguy2323 @privacy It’s only a gimmick, for now. Notice they had to use multiple access points and receivers and calibrate the system based on the room it was in.

@Dark_Arc this is generally referred to as accelerationism and I think it’s a cromulent ideology.

If you think the only way to get to a sane world is to achieve and pass through the insane one first, then doing it as quickly as possible makes sense.

@igalmarino @privacy it won’t erode encryption worldwide - any more than China did. They’ll just pull out of the UK

@Izzgo @Skyline @eterps It’s like houses locking themselves so the door won’t open unless you arrived by Ford®.

@FarLine99 I think there are also chat systems that use the real Tor network.

There’s Session, which uses some kind of shitty blockchain version of not-quite-Tor. Every user acts like a not-quite-onion-service and your username is a not-quite-onion-address.