Zuck Brags About How Much of Your Facebook, Instagram Posts Will Power His AI
Social media companies claim to own your online profiles, and now they're generating billions by using them to train AI.

Instagram and Facebook have addicted users for the last 20 years, making sure to monetize us through advertisers every step of the way. Now, they’re revisiting your old posts, your special moments, and your big life updates, and using it to create billion-dollar AI tools. Zuckerberg’s braggadocious claim about Meta’s very large dataset comes shortly after The New York Times sued OpenAI over intellectual property. But Meta is pulling an old trick out of its playbook: extracting as much value out of Instagram and Facebook users as humanly possible, and totally owning your online self.

I find it immensely useful.

I run copilot-equivalent things locally for code autocomplete and suggestions. It’s about even in terms of language specific snippets in terms of productivity gains there.

I’ve run my resume through it to have it inject HR buzzwords into all my bullet points, and i think it looks much better as a result. (The AI is way more flattering about my work that I am, myself). For something like ChatGPT specifically, i hand it my resume along with job listings and have it rate my fit, give explanations as to why, and highlight areas the company would like to know about, which makes writing cover letters trivial.

Nvidia has an AI feature that guesses and fills in frames, making it so a game only needs to generate about 30fps to get the user equivalent of 120fps, drastically improving performance on both low and high end machines even adding in the cost of running the neural net.

You’re limiting your view of “AI” into what enters the news cycle, and like most things in the news cycle, they’re almost completely off the mark and more focused on the doom and gloom aspects.

My future career is perfectly gears towards integrating AI into people’s normal workflow so people can work with the accelerating affects of technology, instead of feeling replaced by it.

All that being said, jobs like screenwriters have good reason to be worried. Even a bad AI can make a better script that 80% of what comes out of hollywood these days.


Can you share which of the local code completion solutions you’re using? I’ve been looking into spinning up my own.


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