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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Can you share which of the local code completion solutions you’re using? I’ve been looking into spinning up my own.

Right, that’s a great tip! I usually use secondary, non snapshotted discs for storage so it didn’t occur to me.

Yup, it’s great! I know btrfs not supporting case folding can be an issue with some games but I personally haven’t encountered any so it works for me. Can always come up with a spare ext4 partition with it on if I absolutely need it at some point, I guess.

I’ve used btrfs for gaming and deduping in particular helps a lot with steam prefixes since it’s a lot of individual folders with similar files. I don’t have hard data but the before and after comparison I’ve made after getting my deck from ext4 to btrfs left me more than satisfied. I’d guess compression doesn’t hurt either, although again I don’t have actual numbers.

I recommend Bazzite, been daily driving it on my Steam Deck and it’s been great. It’s not that far off from being Nobara’s immutable cousin so you get a pretty up to date Fedora base with user friendly but powerful gaming specific tweaks and can pick (and switch between at any time) either Gnome or KDE Plasma variants.

Due to its immutable nature, you get pretty much risk free updates and if something does break, rolling back is as easy as picking a different item at boot time. It keeps everything updated with minimal interaction, OS updates happen in the background and apply the next time you reboot, user apps just keep themselves updated. Oh and it has a NVIDIA iso with the drivers baked in so you don’t need to do anything special to enable them.

The one question mark is Optimus support, not sure if it’s actually in but I’d guess it works since it’s got some laptop specific builds. Might be worth a try.

Edit: I just remembered they do have Asus specific builds as well

Yup! I’ve deployed my Home Manager config on my install with no issues.

Incredible tech huh? I’d toyed with the idea of immutable distros before with NixOS but found it a bit too restrictive so Kinoite and co are exactly the middle ground I was looking for.

With Bazzite specifically, I get a pretty damn up to date Fedora base, most of the annoying kernel/gaming things I want but don’t want to mess with by default and also Nix + distrobox out of the box for development environments and some wiggle room for whatever I can’t natively install. Just a great experience all around.

If OP is also interested in gaming, Bazzite is another great ublue-based choice. I’ve been daily driving it for a while on my Deck and it works beautifully. User friendly setup and low maintenance but has plenty of useful knobs power users can tweak.

That’s great news!

Side note, I can’t help but hope they give DLDSR the same treatment someday. I guess for that to happen actual DSR would have to be in first though and that doesn’t sound too likely.

Plain DLSS definitely works, I’m guessing they mean that specific reconstruction feature. I’m sure it’ll be implemented eventually if it’s possible at all though.
Side note, a kind of related feature that is missing for sure from the Linux drivers is DLDSR, and plain DSR for that matter. As a heavy user of both, it’s a bit of a personal deal breaker.

I’m guessing symlinking the compatdata folder to a Linux friendly filesystem, like Valve recommends here, would probably fix issues like that. I’m sure there must be edge cases but, in my admittedly not extensive experience, I haven’t encountered any myself.

In my experience it works perfectly fine as long as you perform the steps outlined here, as per Valve’s official recommendation. The section about preventing read errors is particularly important, but the whole thing is worth a read.

Maybe take a look at cheap ESP mics such as the one mentioned here, being cheap so you can have many scattered around is their whole thing. Sound quality isn’t great but if it’s mostly for input it can work. Not sure if replicating the Ring notifications is feasible.