An investigative data journalist and a former tech lawyer teach you how to spot tricks and hidden disclosures within these interminable documents—and even how to claw back some privacy

We can have legally binding checkboxes, like a nutrition label

“Does this ToS allow the selling of user data to third parties”
“Does the ToS allow collection of location data”
“Does the ToS allow collection of biometric data”
“…accelerometer data”
“Does the ToS claim ownership of data created by the user, or the users device”

And so on

Yes we’d need an entry for every type of bullshit these EULA’s try to pull, but that’s where we are at.

ToS have a severe conflict of interest wherein the author tries to preemptively fuck over the consumer while hiding that they are trying to do this. We require regulation on companies to protect consumers, and I imagine that solution looks like a standardized and legally binding “nutrition” label.

Until something like that is enforced by the power of the state, ToS are a losing battle for anyone without an army of lawyers and cash to burn.

Hear,hear. Sounds like an excellent use case for a (trained, open, RAG) LLM.

Also “Does the ToS have a binding arbitration agreement”

How are rights “rights” if you can be coerced or tricked into signing them away.

That entire concept is bullshit

“Ok a new law just passed. I need all of you ‘workers’ to sign this document stating I’m allowed to whip you and your vote only counts for 3/5ths of a person”

Kinda defeats the whole point of the laws in the first place.

Right shouldn’t be able to be “waived”

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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