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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


more like "move glacially and declare things as "will not support’ so technically we had nothing TO fix!"

it’s when devs of a graphics stack just suddenly feel the need to protect your own computer from itself, so they say fuck you to any features that they deem “insecure”, including accessibility features (they will claim they fixed this, but it’s opt-in per app. old apps will just be completely unusable for some people with special needs.)

But they eliminated tearing on the desktop! woo!!!

change one pixel and suddenly it doesn’tmatch. Do the comparison based on similarity instead and now you’re back to false positives

keep a copy of the db on your phone. I set up syncthing so the “cloud” I back up to is just my phone. You can obviously use other methods too for redundancy. I also use keepass, so my database is in my control.

if only I can access it anyway, why the hell does it need to be on a blockchain in the first place? I still don’t want everyone to have a copy of it even if it is encrypted. Nobody else should ever need it. I’d rather just sync that data between my own devices, and not everyone else’s

the red flag for me is that they have anything to do with cryptocurrencies at all. Anything else is superfluous details.

I view anything to do with cryptocurrency as a scam. Which, I have found, is the safest bet to make.