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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


If I can find my message to them, I’ll post what it was. I can’t remember if the messages arrived oddly or if it was sending pictures, etc. etc. It was just some hangup where I couldn’t justify going to it. I would’ve liked to otherwise because like OP I basically only use Google at all for GV.

I would agree with this. Also, compared to aves and fossify (which are both great) you keep metadata on your phone and only strip it when sharing.

I do this but sadly not viable for everyone. It is a great option though.

Maybe. That is a one time payment but i guess they make their money on businesses. I like it but it’s not the slickest app yet.

Mandatory? And per month or year. Younger people might not remember but WhatsApp was $1/year (at least in the states.)

There shouldn’t be anything wrong with expecting payment to pay for servers, etc. If it’s free then you’re the product right?

This is usually related to the account used I’ve found. If one anonymous account doesn’t work, log out, try another, then search again.

Reolink or amcrest cameras paired with (software) frigate, blue iris, motioneye, shinobi, etc etc works fine.

Evidently there is a part at the bottom of advanced in the keyboard settings where you can choose to load the library. Download it from the link on the github page.

Exhibit A of why SMS still has a huge foothold in places.

Not sure why you’re down voted. Yes some definitely do. You could get around it by hosting your own VPN on 443 or something but some do lock it down.

Their network, their rules. Makes sense.

Android is getting a complete rewrite if that’s what you’re using. Not sure on timeline but it’s coming ™.

Odd because they recently did a huge update to android anyhow. Overall I’m quite happy with it all.