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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 06, 2023


I use it as a daily driver, but sometimes it’s do slow I want to use chromium (cromite) again. I have a website open, I turn off the screen and immediately turn it back on, and the page takes several seconds to load again. And sometimes, it doesn’t even load at all and it’s just grey. Same thing happens when I switch to another app from Mull. It’s annoying, but the extensions and privacy are still worth it.

I haven’t seen the video, but I don’t think most of the people who were using FF when it was popular and who switched to chrome later did it because of any of the points listed.

Definitely check out the Hidden functionality part of the readme (it’s also in this post’s body)

Most people use it for seeding torrents I think.

Because if the company (Valve) knows there are many Linux users using their software, it will use it’s resources to help Linux. They make Proton, which is FOSS, and contribute a lot to Wine and Linux in general.

Please crop your screenshot next time, I didn’t need to see your navigation buttons :)

You can never verify what’s really running on their servers, even if they privided source code.

Yes, but be aware that it only works when both devices are in the same LAN.

Check out obtainium, it’s on f-droid and it’s a downloader/updater of apps from github (and a few other sources) releases.

If libredirect integration is ever going to be added to URLCheck, it’s going to be a life-changer.

Some instances doesn’t work, but reddit frontends work for me.

I tried it with 3 Windows laptops and only one worked. Not sure why, maybe turning Bluetooth off in windows prevents this.

EDIT: It stopped working on the one laptop it worked on before. Idk why.

With the app that I linked to, I was able to crash friend’s iPhone multiple times.

It uses something called Bluetooth Low Energy that’s turned on even if you disable bluetooth.

You can disable the feature, it’s called something like near device discovery. Also check this cool app that lets you spoof those devices and spam the suggestions.

I live in the Czech Republic and I can buy a SIM card in any supermarket. Put on some hat so I can’t be recognized on a camera, wait some time so they delete their camera recordings, and I’m good to go. Not that I do that, though.

I just read the whole article and my desire to live in the woods without electricity was multiplied by ten. Too bad I study IT :(

In singleplayer it doesn’t matter :)

ReVanced on Android, any browser with uBlock Origin on desktop.

VPN is great for some use cases, even for some privacy, but people think that VPN = anonymity.