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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


And track this stuff in git so you don’t need to remember how you did it when you inevitably forget, lol.

I use Mullvad and Proton. I have a grandfathered Proton Ultimate Visionary plan so I use theirs when I need the port forwarding. I had just started my privacy journey with Proton and didn’t sign up anonymously. Mullvad is my daily driver paid with XMR.

I use an OnlyKey and Mooltipass interchangeably. Prefer the lower tech OnlyKey. My passwords are half memorized passphrase and half random characters on the device. Only use for disk encryption, main account, and password manager.

I pay $4.99/mo. Also have the data eSim (rarely use as its a backup). Don’t use auto-top up as I pay with XMR.

The bot has a transaction ledger. Did you inspect it?

As another poster said, the underlying tech is not private: https://jmp.chat/privacy

For backwards compatibility, what your proposing is unlikely unless driven through regulation (personal opinion).

Use something over the top (like Signal was suggested), use a non-KYC provider (like Jmp), or use a burner phone.

A non-KYC provider I wouldn’t trust to be private personally, especially as a secondary SIM. Maybe slightly above average (the company can’t sell the number attached to my name), but I’m sure enough information leaks that a state-level actor could correlate the device to me. The IMEI the tower gets is probably enough to run to Google to figure out who bought the phone.

Even burners may trace back to you through GPS or triangulation depending on how private you really want to be.

It is. I run a virtual camera for blurred backgrounds that logs when clients connect and noticed one of my web conferencing type apps like to take a photo ever second. Haven’t taken time to investigate which (likely candidates: slack, zoom, webex, discord).

This is common for scraping even on desktop.

Dark mode, screen resolution, window size, and installed fonts are all tracking points plus hundreds more.

As I understand it, randomizing can make you stand out more as an outlier. Its better to blend with the herd. VPNs help by putting a bunch of clients behind the same IP, but if you stand out based on activity, an advanced enough algorithm may pick you out by what’s static and by what’s always changing.

I’ve been getting in the habit of using per service emails and rotating them like my passwords (if the service allows). MS allows this (assuming the account is not for your email). I’ve changed it 5-6 times. Except for Skype which I don’t use. Can’t seem to change that one myself.

Others mentioned YubiKey. Another alternative I use is both an OnlyPass and Mooltipass, interchangeably. They act as keyboards and work with any device I’ve tried that supports USB keyboards without some agent always running. With it I’ll add an extra 56 random characters on top of my memorized passphrase for critical systems (disk encryption, system login, password manager).

A few notes as I’ve been doing some PQ research for my own projects:

  • NIST PQ encryption algorithms are typically for encrypting small amounts of data due to poor performance (like an AES symmetric key)
  • NIST PQ encryption algorithms use public key cryptography to securely exchange keys between two parties (usually to establish a AES symmetric key… aka Key Encapsulation Mechanism, or KEM, with a Key Derivation Function, or KDF, which frequently uses Hash-based Message Authentication Code, or HMAC)
  • Hybrid-PQ, as you mentioned, should be used since there are not years of testing on the new PQ algorithms
  • AES256 is PQ with good performance, but lacks a way to securely exchange the shared key, so typically public key cryptography is used to bootstrap

With that said, I’d want to know where and how the encryption is going to be applied.

An ideal solution for me:

  • Data is stored using AES on device and remote
  • I have soul access to the AES key (can be derived, see last note)
  • App generates and index of meta searchable fields and thumbnails also AES encrypted, but is decrypted when opening the app to make it usable.
  • I can choose my backup (checkout rclone)
  • All over the top features like OSM are done client side (or self-hosted backend)
  • PQ would really only come into play to seal the AES key on my device. Instead of unlocking my photos with my AES key directly, its sealed behind a passphrase, pin code, hardware token, or other type of key. Pretty much what LUKs and Bitwarden do. Option for multiple keys would be great. A new device might take a passphrase and hardware key, but then might be sealed by a pincode.

I suppose you could use a PQ TLS, but if the payload is already AES encrypted, I see little value. You could use PQ to sign each object I suppose in case your AES key is broken, but that would mostly detect tampering of the data.

Been using jmp.chat. I didn’t have to give any personal info. It uses XMMP/Jabber to handle text/calls instead of wrapping your existing number. Their in-house client is pretty nice as it integrates with the dialer.

They straight up tell you its not private. That’s not what I use it for. I use it to make my online activity less linkable when companies try to KYC me by requiring a TN.


The phone network itself does not encrypt metadata or content.  Therefore, if your concern is a state-level actor, exploit of a service provider, or rogue employee, you should consider all the metadata and content of your phone calls and text and picture messages to be not private.

Some third party tools you might find useful.

I do use rclone but I’m pretty happy with b2 storage. I did a small test with proton and it seemed to work.


VPN in docker with port forwarding. Didn’t have any luck routing host traffic through it but I didn’t dig too deep. Might be useful for a web based torrent docker container.


Proton Pass is useful for aliases that don’t count against your total addresses. Passwords go into BitWarden though.

I am annoyed it requires an app or browser extension though. No native web interface I could find.

New ones are too young and not battle tested with time. Hybrid PQ is the norm until more data is available.

Yeah, its super annoying.

Port forwarding with the VPN on Linux was an adventure because all the docs are outdated and I had to scour github issues for how to do it.

Android mail app becomes super slower over time. No snooze. Wish it could do POP3/IMAP for send/receive from other accounts like my school one. Can’t delete aliases I made before proton pass aliases came out.

No contact syncing as a bi-directional provider with Android.

Someone recently added Proton Drive to rclone if you want to sync in Linux. Worked for my small test but I’ve since moved to Backblaze for my backend storage while waiting for a solution and it works really well for less than a $1 a month.

I get denied enough it is noticeable when I’m on a VPN with Mull. Sometimes it let’s me do a captcha, sometimes its just a straight up block. Usually dropping my VPN fixes.