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Someone keeps trying to access my MS account

Like the title says, I’ve got yesterday an email with a code to access my Microsoft account and that made me suspicious because I wasn’t trying to login to my account. When I looked at the login attempts I saw that someone else was trying to access my account, I changed my password, activated TFA. Thinking of going through and buying a physical key like yubico to further secure my account. Any tips are appreciated.

I’ve been getting in the habit of using per service emails and rotating them like my passwords (if the service allows). MS allows this (assuming the account is not for your email). I’ve changed it 5-6 times. Except for Skype which I don’t use. Can’t seem to change that one myself.

Others mentioned YubiKey. Another alternative I use is both an OnlyPass and Mooltipass, interchangeably. They act as keyboards and work with any device I’ve tried that supports USB keyboards without some agent always running. With it I’ll add an extra 56 random characters on top of my memorized passphrase for critical systems (disk encryption, system login, password manager).

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