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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I checked my Pixel 6A direct from Google and I do have it. You have to tap “Show system apps” in the top right menu.

The three known instances of censorship collusion that happened at that time concern the Canadian authorities asking Facebook to “remove users’ posts for ‘disinformation about lifting a COVID restriction’,” RebelNews now writes.

All you need to know. Fuck off with the right wing rage bait.

Stop voting against them then. The republicans you support would gut these laws first chance they get.

If this is your attitude then you deserve all the bad things google does to you.

Nearly a quarter of Americans say that a strong leader who doesn’t have to bother with Congress or elections would be “fairly” or “very good” and 18 percent say that “army rule” would be “fairly” or “very good.” More than a quarter of respondents show at least some support for either a “strong leader” or “army rule.”


A disturbing minority of human beings unironically prefer being under a boot.

I agree. I’m an engineer and have left companies for doing things I think are unethical. I understand its not always black and white, but at the end of the day, if you’re doing something bad and you know its bad, “just doing my job” does not mean you’re not complicit and at least partially responsible.

Especially if you work at a place like Google - its not like the only choices are either implementing this or starving. There are plenty of employment opportunities out there for people at the top of the industry that don’t involve making the world a worse place for everyone to live in.

Lol. Just like Google used to say “Don’t be evil.”

Wonder when this text will receive a similar strikethrough.