• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Nice. Upgraded a Thinkpad, installed Linux Mint and gave it to my dad. I have not heard anything from him about it for a couple of months. Was reminded of it with your post.

So wrote him right now and asked how it was going, and he replied that he loved it and uses it every day.

And that he had not had any problems he could not solve on his own. He’s 70 and a windows only heavy user - until now 🙂

As you said. Compelety painless.

I don’t where you live. But almost all of bigtech US cloud is problematic (Read: Illegal to use) for storing or processing of Personal information according to the GDPR if you’re based in the EU. Don’t know about HIPPA and other non-EU legislation. But almost all cloudservices use US bigtech as a subprocessor under the hood. Which means that the use of AI and cloud is most likely not GDPR-complaint. Which you could mention to the right people and hope they listen.

Edit: It’s illegal to use for the processing of the patients PII, because of transfer to insecure third countries and because bigtech uses the data for their own purposes without any legal basis.

Edit 2: The same is the case with your, and your colleagues PII.

In my opinion privacy and GDPR is the same in this case. I think most public authorities is required to have a DPO, fx hospitals or the relevant health authority. The DPO can help answer your and your bosses questions on the mentioned questions.

Hope you figure it out.

Well of course, sir. Anyone interested in knowing more about how the total surveillance of all us is possible can read more on the Edward Snowden revelations on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden?wprov=sfla1 and The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/the-nsa-files.

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