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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 29, 2023


Lol, a petition won’t stop this unless it’s a petition to bribe the judge. The US is owned by corporations.

How is it unacceptable? Facebook has no onus to offer their services free of charge, and nobody is required to use Facebook.

Your options would be pay for it with cash, pay for it with advertising, or don’t use the service.

It seems like the EU is trying to say Facebook is a necessary service, which is bogus.

You’re also free to not give business to places that only have Facebook pages as their online presence.

Facebook is not a necessity. Full stop.

Likewise. I only still have it for our neighborhood group chat and occasionally marketplace, but that’s maybe a twice a year thing.

I guess you didn’t read the article, then. This isn’t about them selling the data they gathered, only about letting you pay for an ad free experience.

Yes, they were except for the very early days of the internet.

They might not have been as targeted, but they still absolutely used whatever data they had available to serve ads to people most likely to click on them.

I honestly don’t understand how what Facebook is doing a bad thing. The deal has always been that targeted advertising is how you pay for a free service.

This isn’t exclusive to Facebook.

Offering an ad free experience for a subscription fee is an extremely common practice. Do people really expect to be able to use an entertainment platform for free?

Eh, I don’t care about apps that are just utilities I use every once in a while, but I’ve set up my network to be unprofitable for any advertiser.

You don’t have to use a cloud service to do AI transcription. You don’t even need to use AI. Speech to text has been a thing for like 30+ years.

Also, AWS has a FedRAMP authorized Gov Cloud that’s almost certainly HIPAA (and it’s non-us counterparts) compliant.

Also also, there are plenty of cloud based services that are HIPAA compliant.

Yup, I have alarms in my phone for this. Adhd means I’ll forget to set that alarm most of the time.

See, mine makes absolutely zero noise when done, which isn’t a good thing for me. But, I’d be more likely to build my own smart system (probably a flow sensor on the drain).

I do the same thing. All they’re allowed to talk to is Home Assistant except for when I allow internet access to update firmware.

To get notifications when your laundry is done.

As someone with adhd, I could see it being super helpful for me.