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Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Am I too European to understand this?

Out of all the things and ways “driving could be more sane”, you think the sale of your data to for-profit, private, third parties… will somehow be for the common good?

You are so right. I’m dumbfounded by how apathetic Americans are when it comes to politics. The idea of making the change you want to see, seems like a foreign concept. This will bring in a lot of downvotes, but I’d be happy to find some kind of online community that excludes Americans. And, I don’t mean by nationality, or even geography. Just this… acceptance of political depravity. In the US, you get the choice between “bat shit insane”. And, if don’t like that, you can vote Republican instead, which is orders of magnitude worse, with layers of vile shit. I’m tired. Most problems are so simple to solve. But the arguments are always presented between two things that don’t matter.

Good luck. I’m gonna see if there is a lemmy community that actively blocks “American mentality”. Which is hilarious, because a lot of Americans express that lemmy is “extremely communist / anti capitalist” etc. Which is just what “common sense” looks like to Americans.

Bard is the same caliber of LLM as GPT, and both have a documented tendency to hallucinate.

It’s all hallucinations, always, with only a few exceptions. The hallucinations just have some overlap with reality, that’s all.

What the actual fuck.

I’m tired of constantly running in to the basic lack of understanding that LLMs are not knowledge systems. They emulate language, and produce plausible sentences. This journalist is using the output of a LLM as a source of knowledge… What a fucking disgrace this should be for Forbes.

Imagine a journalist just quoting a conversation with their 10 year old, where they played a game of “whatever you do, you have to pretend like you really know what you’re talking about. Do not be unsure about anything, ok?”, and used the output as a source for actual facts.

If you use ChatGPT, or Bard, or any LLM for anything beyond creative output, or with the required comprehension to vet the output, just stop. Don’t use tools you don’t understand the function or limitations of.

I’ve already had to spend hours correcting a fundamental misconception someone got from ChatGPT, which was part of a safety mechanism of medical software. I’ve also had the displeasure of finding self-contradicting documentation someone placed in a README, which was a copy-paste from ChatGPT.

It’s such a powerful tool and utility if you know what it can help with. But it requires a basic understanding, that too many people are either too lazy to make the effort for, or just lacking critical thought processes, and “it sounded really plausible”, (the full extent of what it’s designed to do) fools them completely.

Why would you want to do that?

Genuine question.

Because if it is the hardware you want to keep and not the software, there are good android based options. And if what you want is control over the software, there are also good android options. I’d recommend a Pixel phone, and you’ll always have the option to de-goggle it completely with either CalyxOs, GrapheneOs or similar ones.

I think you have a lot of valid arguments for why Valve isn’t a pure champion for all things good. But, that also wasn’t the question.

I’ve used proton more often than not with games purchased through GoG. Their contributions to wine and the layer on top is excellent. Sam Latinga is a Valve employee and creator of libSDL, which is also another significant and foundational contribution to FOSS.

A company can do a lot of good without having to be exclusively good. And as for Linux gaming, it wouldn’t be where it is without Valve.

Buy a domain sure, but just use paid protonmail and use it with the domain you bought. It takes a few minutes to set up, and if protonmail ever goes to shit, you still own the email address. Maintaining your own email server just isn’t worth it imo.