Long time linux user and tinkerer. Currently working as a devops engineer. Very positive to the idea of decentralized internet platforms. :)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


And we saw this was going to happen at least 5 years ago. But since the majority don’t care, we get what we deserve I guess.

Let’s just hope this doesn’t go through.

There is a huge difference between mozilla and google. That’s quite obvious to most. The ceo raising his salary is a problem for you, and you prefer Google, where they have enormous salaries and incomes? It’s one of the richest companies in the world.

Firefox doesn’t have inferior UX at all. It has more functions and features than chrome. It also has very good default privacy and the plugin system is amazing.

And it just became faster than chrome as well.

I had lots of issues with Nvidia and none whatsoever with amd. I had to troubleshoot sleep, set environment variables and all kinds of crap to even get Nvidia working but it was never glitch free.

Get a amd card.

I would never use WhatsApp since it’s associated with Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg which is the creepiest (celebrity) human alive I belive. If him and Elon Musk had a baby, it’s over for humanity.

Anyway, I use telegram now but was impressed by Element when I tried it. It’s a client for Matrix and it’s both live chat in public channels and private conversions in one app. Also I love that it’s matrix underneath the good looking surface.