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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


If you just have an iPhone and nothing else and treat it like a smart phone it is very easy to migrate over to android and vice versa. If you get invested in the apple ecosystem it might be hard to leave or use some other products that are gimped without an iPhone

mpv https://odysee.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/Financial-surveillance:e?r=2zW2U8ZcN8MsrJT5cgp9uunSj5LEJEDR

Yeah having filesystem sandboxing will totally save you from game analytics and tracking, and when you block networking you should have just pirated the games and not felt with Steam in the first place.

Why would you need to move to Firefox when you’re using Librewolf? You’re just confusing yourself, you don’t have to since it’s already a fork of Firefox.

well there is an out-of-tree kernel module you can already install, but again needing to patch wine.

Now wine just needs to mainline support for it so you dont have to compile it with a patch.

Sucks to be you I knew it was shit once I played the demo on my Xbox 360.

Same argument can be said for encryption LMAO

A wise man once said “cash is king”

Although that brings up a point on how reliant we are on the banks, but a private crypto currency like monero is not yet ready for mass adoption.

Variable refresh rate and Wayland/XWayland questions.
So this has come up may times but I can't seem to get concrete answers for some of these questions. What is the status of variable refresh rate on Wayland and XWayland, what software versions do you need? To my knowledge VRR works on Wayland (I know it works on X with 1 monitor/multi-head setup but that is out of the scope of this) KDE that's version 5.27, and need a relatively new mesa version, I run the git releases and not stable. There is also the Atomic KMS update mumbo jumbo that I don't understand at all for Kernel 6.6. Basically will VRR work with the following setup, my monitor does have Freesync but has no on-screen notification that show's that it is enabled. - The game is running in full screen - AMDGPU (RDNA2) - Display port connection - Kernel 6.5 - Mesa git compiled as of October 9th 2023 - KDE 5.27 - Wayland 1.22 Will VRR work for only native Wayland games (do any exist? do latest releases of emulators have a Wayland mode) and will it work on XWayland programs (probably 99% of what people are playing right now). Thanks in advance for the help/answers.

SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=x11 %command% -vulkan or WAYLAND_DISPLAY= %command% -vulkan

Also I haven’t bothered checking, do you still need to have -vulkan for CS2 to use Vulkan? Does Source 2 even have OpenGL on Linux?

Monero is you private crypto, do some research before you comment

Doesn’t look like there’s translating from Japanese to English yet, also a big quality of life improvement would be to add the translation option to the right click menu.

I’m too lazy to turn Freesync off on my monitor, so I guess it’ll be working when I upgrade mesa.

Install lib32-gperftools from the AUR, remove libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 in Team Fortress 2/bin and create a symlink with ln -s /usr/lib32/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4