Game dev and Linux user

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Probably not, but so far they haven’t gone after any recompilations.

I think the way it’s set up puts it in a similar situation to the decompilations, like the Mario 64 PC port. As long as they don’t distribute pirated material or openly encourage piracy, I don’t think there’s much Nintendo could do.

Yeah, for some reason complaining on social media is the best way to actually get useful support.

Damn, really? You can’t just separate out the console-specific code? I wasn’t going to release on console for a few reasons but I’ll have to keep that in mind if I ever want to.

No, I definitely want to do it. Just want to be forward about the limitations. But putting it up for preservation and reference is still really valuable imo.

I probably should, I do have a blog but don’t use it as much as I should.

I’ve considered it, although it’d be a situation where it would probably just be the game code without assets (sounds, textures, etc.), since those are under different licenses. Also, it’s not really a “living” game like most FOSS games - once it’s released it will pretty much be in its final form. So if I make the code public it’ll mostly just be for reference.

(tldr, open source software has come a long way, and it's more than possible to create a full game without leaving Linux.) So I've been a full Linux user for a couple years now, and a hobbyist game dev for way longer. I've always tried to make the most out of free tools, so I've used a lot of FOSS tools for game development before. Going with that philosophy, Year Unknown's development has cost $0 (not counting store fees or my time), and the development is done with almost entirely FOSS software like Godot, Blender, GIMP, and Audacity. The only exception is Reaper, which is my DAW of choice (but to be fair, it's a really good DAW). The game itself is a narrative-driven exploration game set in the very far future, where humanity has found a way to make the universe last forever. The game's story covers a lot of existential issues that come from the premise, revealed through two characters you can talk to through terminals. I know there's other developers who have done the same, but I thought I'd share my experience, and I can answer questions about the workflow if you're curious, or trying to do something similar. Also, if the game seems interesting to you, a wishlist would be very appreciated!

It did, they just added proper support so they could verify it (better ui size, controller support, etc.)

I think the the main reason is that they’re private with no intention to go public. They’re not beholden to random shareholders who know nothing about games and just want infinite growth, their decisions are actually made by people inside the company.

I wonder if this is a big amount for Norway’s government. After 3 years you’ve got 100 million dollars. Not huge but you could build a nice hospital or something with that.

Yeah that’s big area that’s shaky with proton. Fortunately a few games have been adding support (halo MCC recently did). And for me, I typically only play singleplayer games - the most modern multiplayer game I play is titanfall 2 which works great on Linux.

But for someone who does play those games, I can see how the lack of them can be a huge obstacle.

Yeah keeping windows on a separate disk is a good idea. I was going to do too that but I fucked up a dd command and somehow broke the original installation… So I just said fuck it and went full Linux.

I switched last year and kind of was in a similar spot to you - I had tried to switch in the past but something didn’t work so I went back to windows. But that last attempt has stuck. So I’d just do it. Proton is in an amazing state, old games and even most new singleplayer games will work - some modern multiplayer games with anticheat even work. I’d just check your library on protondb (you can sign in to see your library), see what doesn’t work, if you care about it, or if there are workarounds.

What I also did is make a list of stuff that doesn’t work and then find alternatives or workarounds. If some games don’t work, you can hold off on switching, check protondb occasionally and see if something changes. But if it’s all good, I’d just make the jump.

On steam it’s basically just a toggle. Maybe setting the proton version in the game’s properties. For non steam games, launchers like heroic can even detect and use the proton versions you installed through steam, so you don’t ever need to really do any setup yourself.

The steam deck uses arch, not Manjaro (although Manjaro is based off arch). But ultimately it doesn’t matter too much what distro you use for gaming.

Arch is a weird recommendation for beginners, even with the better install process. The aur is nice but isn’t necessary imo. Fedora works fine, or I’d recommend mint for something a bit more “stable.” I’ve been using both for a while with minimal issues.

I guess it depends on where your games are. I have a few games on epic and gog, and for that Heroic works great. So personally, I just use that and steam. The nice thing about heroic is that it lets me select steam’s installed proton versions, so I don’t have to install proton multiple times.

At the end of the day though, if you can launch the games you want to play, stick with what you got.