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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I can forgive the JavaScript think taking into account the specification was made in 3 days and that the suits made “looking like Java” a requirement.

Given that the backup plan was to embed Scheme or Python, it would’ve been better for Eich to fail.

Its entire business model is a protection racket wrapped in a crypto scam, so no, I don’t trust it!

It also doesn’t help that that it’s run by the incompetent dipshit who inflicted JavaScript on the world and who later got kicked out of Mozilla for being a bad person. Furthermore, being based on Chromium instead of Firefox is an unforgivable sin by itself. Really, from my perspective there’s basically nothing in its favor at all.

Can I get an ELI5 on what these services do? I’m currently just using a wildcard to forward all the email for my domain to a (not particularly private) webmail account (so that I can sign up for stuff with addresses like service_name@mydomain.example instead of my_name@wellknownwebmailservice.com), and I’m not sure how these relays are different from that.

Once this sort of shit becomes normalized enough with websites, I’m sure it’ll come to ISPs themselves, too.