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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Isn’t that the guy who invented Lemmy? Reminds me of TG’s founder doing the same.

Use exact change?

If we’re going cash only, I’m bringing those coins too.

They have paper and pens that they can track their transactions until the system is fixed.

First generation VPN users effectively ruined it for current-gen users who use VPNs for everything now.

Man, everyone is hopping on the Trash Signal Bandwagon, even though TG is less secure, and nobody (the 99%) uses Threema.

I feel like I remember seeing somewhere that the entirety of Wikipedia can be downloaded? (Use offline)

You’d have to update periodically for newer articles.

Interoperability law that only applies to one company. Neat.

I imagine a bad actor could buy a custom domain, connect it to proton, and then spam millions of people from thousands of addresses, using Proton’s infrastructure?

What is the # limit on a custom domain?

At least the Brave guy’s site included many popular browsers and not just the big 5.

Well, there’s a good chance that most people who present technical information publicly are probably involved somewhere in the tech space. Pretty sure the owner of that site also has a disclaimer stating that he in fact works for Brave.

More directly, is the information on that website inaccurate? Could any other person create a similar website with the same information? Has anyone?

True facts don’t change based on who presents them. Every time I see this “oh don’t trust the Brave employee” it’s usually someone who is mad that FF isn’t the best in whatever category.

Are you saying the information presented is somehow incorrect?

I spent a few hours trying any alternatives I could find on FDroid, even Aurora and just blocking network access.

Lawnchair has a giant empty space on the dock when you hide the search bar, wasting screen space.

Ended up back on Nova.

We need more options. We don’t need any more “minimalist” text launchers though.

I’ve never heard that nickname. In any case, I’m not saying I like Vladimir Putin. I’m not saying I liked Trump. I like the idea of a strong leader who will work with other nations, but not roll over and take shit either.

There’s nothing wrong with carrying a big stick, but nowadays everyone has forgotten the first part of Roosevelt’s sentence… “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”

In other words, let your actions speak for you.

USPS sold you out. (If in the US). They literally sell “change of address” updates to marketing companies. You think they survive on selling stamps?

“Lack of accountability”

Like erasing a subpoenaed email server?

Pretty good reason to not use IG.

At the last point, I don’t think its as much an idolization of Putin, but conservatives want a strong leader who isn’t a scared little bitch or a weak Alzheimer’s patient.

America does better under strong leadership. If you want to limit the presidential power, enact proper safeguards and don’t elect people like Trump, who, while strong, is not a good human being.

Well, thankfully I had no intention of voting for this particular idiot, and now its a double hell no.

Good for Google (ikr) for basically telling other tracking/ad companies to f*** off.

Also, bad, for the monopoly reasons.

I see iOS folks getting told to use Private Relay(?) all the time (with i-something disabled). How is this any different than that, other than being run by G?

Not going to use it myself, but I guess its sort of a step in the right direction for the uninformed tech-illiterate. The next step would be to show the average person how to do the same thing without G’s help.

Bet if you read the link, it explains how to join the Staging test app (separate from main app).

Because Start page uses Google results, DDG uses Bing.

That I can’t answer, way above my knowledge.

Apparently its a JavaScript? function built into some HTML5 websites. If it is still a function of chromium, it’s no longer a flag.

screen.orientation.addEventListener(‘change’, () => { document.body.webkitRequestFullscreen() })

For video play. Turning the phone from portrait to landscape automatically opens the video full screen instead of just turning the webpage.

They’ll simply call it Android 15. Market it as a major security standard to make Apple look less safe.

Privacy / Browsers on Android
Chromium (Cromite) - no sync of any kind. Otherwise, no complaints except the menu item bloat. FF Stable - no about:config, comes with a ton of things that need turned off. FF Beta/Nightly/Mull - has FFSync, but missing Chrome's rotate-to-fullscreen functionality. All Android Browsers - too many menu items. FF: Customize, What's New, Help, Addons should all be under Settings. Chromium also has full menu that mostly is never used. View Source on a mobile browser...really why? It doesnt make much sense to have a movable toolbar if you still have to use both hands to get to the bookmarks button/menu. I'd be happy with either an organized, uncluttered menu, or one where certain items could be hidden/removed from the main menu. Brave - I wish I could stick with them. Everything works and they have it all. Full non-Google sync, better video playback control, nicer UI, dual toolbars. I just can't with the way they operate, adding bad features and then saying oops every time. How do we get the perfect browser? In my mind, it looks like Cromite, has the internals of FF (gecko engine), FOSS, can rotate the phone into full screen video, with sync implemented. And of course all privacy settings setup like Mull. Anyone else spot this unicorn?