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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Definitely! I wouldn’t mess around with it either.

Was going to say, this sounds more like a prank from a friend who had access to the machine, than an actual hack. A malicious hacker isn’t going to drop a “hibro.txt” on your desktop to mess with you. They aren’t going to be interactively watching your session at all. They’re going to silently keylog you for financial or identity details, or they’re going to install ransomware.

They will always correctly identify the pincers and the stinger, but they will never mention a scorpion.

Why not actually write the bits that you think people are missing? Just saying “watch to the end” over and over is obnoxious. People’s time and attention is valuable, you should learn to respect that if you want more positive responses.

I didn’t say just give up. But understand what is being asked with the suggestion of “just don’t use YouTube”.

Also text-based social media is going to be less expensive to disrupt than video.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. But “don’t use YouTube” is kinda not an answer. Maybe supporting creators on alternative platforms is a good idea.

Even if you stop using it, it still won’t change.

Because the vast majority of people are uninformed or don’t care enough to move, so a stupidly large amount of content is only accessible on YouTube.

Individual action is ineffective.