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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Interesting; it reminds me a little of an addon from maybe a dozen years ago that would do the same kind of thing but with fiction. So you’d be reading a post on Slashdot or whatever, and the addon would find a sequence of words that matched the start of one of the stories it had, and it would add a few words of that story. If you noticed, you could click on them to get more of the story, and if you kept clicking it would eventually replace the text of the whole page with the story. It was a really neat way of just stumbling across fiction. Wish I could remember the name of the addon. For some reason I think it was Australian, maybe put together by a university or an arts council or something?

I had a similar issue recently on Garuda, and what fixed it for me was going into the BIOS and enabling Resizable BAR.

Thanks! I’ve got a server at home for media stuff at the moment; I was going to throw the Home Assistant software on there too. I’ll look into hubs, and hope that Phillips doesn’t lock me out of my lightbulbs before that shows up.

I think what they’re saying is that you can buy that hub and continue to use your existing Hue products. Or are you saying that you can currently use them through Home Assistant without that hub? I’m curious because I’ve got a bunch of Hue bulbs and I’m looking into swapping over to Home Assistant because of this license change, and it’s not clear to me what I need in order to do that.

Rollbacks are super easy: there’s a tool called Snapshot Manager or something (maybe just Snapper?) that gives you a list of all the snapshots on your system. You can just select one and roll back to it. If I’m about to try something weird, I’ll make a new snapshot and give it a descriptive name so that I can tell which one to jump back to if need be.

I’ve been using Garuda since the beginning of the year, and I’m enjoying it. Having BTFS by default really helped allay my concerns about going to a rolling release; it’s been pretty easy to just roll back changes when I needed to. Even that one time where I rolled back too far and corrupted my GRUB didn’t take too long to get squared away; the forums have been super helpful.