I really enjoy archlinux so I was thinking on downloading garuda gaming but I’m unsure if that’s the way to go. What distro do you guys use? Have you encontered many problems with it?

I’ve been using Garuda since the beginning of the year, and I’m enjoying it. Having BTFS by default really helped allay my concerns about going to a rolling release; it’s been pretty easy to just roll back changes when I needed to. Even that one time where I rolled back too far and corrupted my GRUB didn’t take too long to get squared away; the forums have been super helpful.


I should look into how to do the rollbacks, I’ve noticed it doing snapshots but haven’t needed to do that yet. Still should know before I do need it.

My worst problem so far was dual booting to Debian and having the efi entry for Garuda disappear and then not being able to get back easily without modifying debian’s grub. Not fixable with snapshots but still simple enough for me to fix.

Rollbacks are super easy: there’s a tool called Snapshot Manager or something (maybe just Snapper?) that gives you a list of all the snapshots on your system. You can just select one and roll back to it. If I’m about to try something weird, I’ll make a new snapshot and give it a descriptive name so that I can tell which one to jump back to if need be.

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