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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Hunting down someone and calling them at their place of work is the dick here. Thats crazy. Leave people alone if they are hard to find. Someones privacy isnt someone elses sherlock holmes moment.

OPs invader sounds like someone who peaked in HS and cant let it go.

I would be pissed and just say “that was on purpose, fuck you”.

This CSS hides all google widgets and ad frames. The parts in the parens are element selectors and the bottom part in curly braces are where it removes visibility and size

This is how DDG is accomplishing its privacy partly. Once googles ad scripts are blocked the items in these selectors are just blank and this is to remove that weird whitespace left behind.

This is just reality. No medical people have secure shit. I’ve worked on hospital services before and they are all security nightmares. The doctor isnt an engineer. Trust the doctor if they know what they are doing. Your data was forfeit because of capitalism not the doctor.

Its always about petty shit like piracy. You’d wish it was all them catching CSAM creators but thats a sliver of it. They’d be catching more rich dudes if it was.

React became defacto and destroyed view source and progressive enhancement in a single blow

All of googles products except cloud exist to either sell customer data to companies to advertise to or they direct you to websites who pay.

They are an ad data company. Search is a means to deliver ads. Chrome, mail, docs, etc were all there for ecosystem lock in… for what money? Customer data. For ads. Google+? User base. For ads.

Youtube doesnt make them shit except for advertising. Youtube premium isnt selling which is why they are getting aggressive with it.

Google is an advertising company and secondarily , a cloud provider.

Because google is an ad company… they are literally trying to make chrome where its not possible to block ads.