This account is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Don’t worry, they’ll be the exception.

Centralize the internet MORE until there is only ONE SITE. Only then will it be PERFET.

Your first mistake was making real friends >:C

I swear these specific copypastas are started by grad school sociology students for their thesis research or something.

When I last used it a few years ago ExplainXKCD used static images and had a note about how they hand picked each ad to avoid any problems.

I fucking hate technology, man. I want to go to the 1800’s and give the luddites C4.

There is an actual duck doing the searching for you.

VR has been atrocious on AMD linux for years what the hell are they even doing

How’s the driver situation for the new AMD cards?
Usually I'm not hopefull for newly released cards but this arch has already been out for almost a year so it should be a bit less dire, right? [edit] So the results are in and the verdict is: still kind of unreliable with some people having a good time and some having a bad time. Awesome. I'll just wait a bit. Thanks for the comments everyone 👍

Remember that time I think it was Signal got a warrant for all data they had on a user and literally all the data they had was account name, creation date, and last login date? That was funny.

Are you sure you are where you think you are? When’s the last time you looked outside?

I added and to my ublock filter and those two still aren’t getting blocked, anybody know how fix? the other two sites I added block fine.

They even named their company specifically to make it harder for open source ai to name themselves. Thats some dedication.

Then it’s a good thing it was posted to the privacy community and not the open source community.

Yeah if privacy is a concern I seriously doubt Apple products are a good answer.

you ever see a comment and just wonder if it was erroneously sent to you from another timeline via cyberwormholes?