German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


What makes YouTube social media for me is the following

  • everyone can post content, in the forms of video everyone else can comment, rate and follow
  • algorithm based browsing of video content and comment sorting
  • images, text posts and polls can be posted to followers
  • shorts is basically TikTok, so if that is social media so are shorts

YouTube isn’t social media? I always counted it as such.

Excuse me, you can’t simply have a nuanced and fact based opinion on the internet.

KDE is one of the few I always have in my list. No matter the OS I use, I always end up using KDE and highly prefer it over anything else I’ve tried. So it’s my way to contribute to not hate the time spent at my computer in the near future.

There is a downfall of big tech? Aside from Musk putting Twitter into the dumpster I haven’t noticed anything like that.

It’s family so I guess I’m shit out of luck here. Everyone else I managed to get to communicate through signal or at least email. But those 3 are a bit special.

They can certainly try. But so far breaking those boundaries hasn’t moved the boundaries as far as I know.

I don’t even get the question. Yeah I use Facebook with a fake name and no data on the account accept a spam mail address to write occasional messages with 3 people. If I couldn’t use ad block on facebook it’d be too annoying to use for me even for that.

I don’t think any other site can do what YouTube is doing, because YouTube is almost impossible to replace and find an alternative to. If Facebook pulls this I’m out for good. The only reason I’m on there still is the 3 people who refuse to use anything else that I still care about.

I meant it the other way around. No matter how benevolent a dictatorship is, eventually the dictator will change and you better hope there will be another benevolent one.

I personally don’t think the problem is doing business. I think the problem is businesses not being democratic.

Valve good.

But valve company. Company bad.

But valve company do good thing.

But selfish reason.

But good outcome.

But what if no GabeN.

We pray.

Oh for sure. And then there sometimes are lawsuits and settlements and things have to be paid back. But overall it’s rarely a problem for the companies and a major hassle for everyone else involved.

Contrary to popular belief you cannot just make new rules as you like in terms of service. There are boundaries what is okay and what isn’t. But you still should be careful with them of course.

Meta is Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp right? Some people would argue it could harm your social life to not be on those, depending on your social circle of course. Now if it becomes lose friends or pay or lose privacy, this might not be an actual choice but a one made for you.

The other problem is when legislation makes privacy a right, you can’t then have a company sell it to you. That’s like a company charging you to vote because all voting booths happen to be standing in their buildings.

Right? It’s like they don’t want people to have an account on their site.

Not compromising at all would be not using the internet though. Probably live in a cottage somewhere in the middle of nowhere too.

I didn’t even know about the android function at all. That sounds useful.

Made me exhale audibly through my nostrils.

Yeah I always look for apps on fdroid first if I need something. It doesn’t have everything but a lot of the time there are great FOSS apps available.

I also love that you can filter apps for different criteria such as privacy, close source dependencies etc.

It’s a great project. Reminds me I should tip them some for their great work.

Every powerful tool in the hands of a data collection or targeting company like meta, Google, etc. will be abused to collect data. AI is no exception and without regulation will mark another huge step against privacy and the ability to control who owns your personal data.

I actually agree with all your points.

I just think regulation which outlaws the problematic or unethical behavior is one possible way to improve the situation. And I am not against a company calling for these kinds of regulations.

Even with Mozilla as an example. Banning or limiting data collection or web standard warping practices would strengthen Mozilla against their competition.

To be a fair here even though I dislike corporations just as much. In the past I have seen big corporations call for regulations in their own shady tactics. In those cases they felt like they needed those malicious practices to stay competetive with the other companies doing the same shit. Basically they want to stop but feel like they can’t since the competition is doing it too.

I’m not sure this is the case here. But that stuff sometimes happens.

In the geek community signal is pretty common. I meet most of my friends through D&D, board games and other tabletop games these days. Those are usually in person.

If possible I used signal instead of WhatsApp groups to organize the stuff. When there is only WhatsApp then I’m willing to compromise for organizational groups. I don’t use my phone for much so it isn’t that much info they can get from my number and interests at least.

Other than that I use no social media. Don’t ever let anyone tell you to make or keep friends you need social media. You absolutely don’t. Maybe for some kinds of friends you do but I guess then those won’t me mine.

Oh there is a flatpak. That’s somehow hilarious to me.

Now im wondering if I can install Edge on Linux.

It’s Bing results. For Navigation it links to Google and Bing. It’s main upside is planting trees. Which they do a well from the documentations and reports I’ve seen.

And their ads are very tame imo.

Really depends on the genre of music you are into. If you enjoy some obscure shit then somesitmes bar concert is as big as it gets. But you are of course correct for all popular music genres.

Im in that situation but instead of stubbornly refusing she just does not want to invest the times or effort into privacy. But she was cool with me doing a few things like changing her to different mail providers, changing her browser to firefox and installing a few add-ons that help without being intrusive. But other than that she doesn’t really care enough. She uses Instagram and all those apps and I won’t try convince her. It is her life and her decision.

However the topic has a different tone when it comes to our kids. We discussed this before having kids and agreed on rules we both are okay with. Things like no pics on social media or WhatsApp of any of them. Or which apps they get to use at what age etc. Luckily when it comes to them my wife is more willing to invest time and effort into privacy.

Government communication as well as business communication will by exempt of course.

My bushit bingo sheet is filled out right now.

I’m using a sponsor skipper that is crowd sourced. Every user of the extension can flag an ad in a video.

I found the distro really doesn’t matter much anymore for gaming specifically. You’ll install the same or similar tools for gaming no matter if using Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian etc.

For gaming it sometimes can be useful to have more current Software especially if playing new games since issues might only be fixed on the latest version.

But aside from that one part I think you should go with the distro you generally prefer and game on that.

The recent EU law drafts I’ve seen so far have exceptions for businesses, government employees and basically everyone except the normal private person.

I guess in many countries founding something like an LLC is pretty damn cheap so I guess we’ll all be businesses soon.

Yep same. I use it only got messaging in groups and private. Everything just works as I expect. Nothing to report.