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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


Hate to burst your bubble, but no you won’t. Unless you know something I don’t, adblockers don’t work on smart TVs. I’ve tried various apps, DNS blocking, even installed an adblocker on my router; still get ads on my TV. Drives me fucking nuts.

Eventually I gave up and just use SmartTube for YT, and Streamio for movies and TV. If I can’t block ads in apps, then I simply won’t use those apps. Unfortunately that doesn’t solve the problem of ads on the home screen, but it’s the best I can do.

The newer, shittier one. (So 2142 I think)

It absolutely can. It took a screenshot of what I was doing without my permission. Only reason why I found out was cause it for a survey they were doing. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re doing it all the time without me knowing.

Cause I get shit service in Walmart and don’t really have any other option if I need to look something up while shopping.

I used to say things like this too, but then I played 2.0.

Surprisingly it’s a proper game now. They turned the game into GTA in the future, and that’s a good thing. Also the perk system was completely overhauled, and weapons rebalanced so that you actually have to do more than just grab whatever has the highest DPS.

The story’s the same, but everything else is completely different. Give it another chance.

I once made the mistake of buying the EA Pass (or whatever it’s called) on a discount. The entire catalog was nothing but 5-10 year old games. The only new games in the catalog were the two worst titles to put in your shitty pass: Battlefield 2142 and fucking FIFA.

Also no HDR, either (not supported by the OS). You’re not getting the full Cyberpunk experience without HDR and Ray Reconstruction. But I suppose that people with an older PC and monitor would benefit by switching to Linux.

Meh, most websites will still function if you use NoScript and only allow the most common scripts necessary for a site to function. Simply enabling the setting to allow scripts from the top level domain is enough for the average website to function. After about a week of enabling specific scripts from trial and error, you barely have to touch it anymore.

Why would you ever want to do that? Sometimes the older version is better for about a third of the apps on my device.

Good job on missing my point entirely. Turning off a setting that shouldn’t exist in the first place doesn’t solve anything.

Definitely not. The whole “allow some ads to earn rewards” thing doesn’t sit right with me. The only adblockers that do that are in bed with the ad companies. Firefox with UBlock Origin and NoScript + Strict security settings is all you need.