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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


If they bought the domains and fired the people it should be easy for someone else to start a new site using the available talent pool to quickly become a relevant name as well.

Me personally, I strongly dislike IGN because (other than all the common reasons) they force me to access a poorly translated version of their content when I’m perfectly capable of reading their originals in English, so even if they have an article I’m interested on, I can’t easily access any decent version of it because or my geographic location.

Ah I had that popup confused with one of our own; Now that I checked the text on google translate I figured out what’s happening.

The meet.jit.si domain is a public jitsi instance that is kept by jitsi themselves. They recently implemented this login requirement on that domain (one user in every meeting must authenticate); They probably assumed that those meetings would always be in a browser and our desktop app is not handling that authentication flow properly. I’ll register a task for someone from our app’s team to take a look.

If you host your own jitsi instance, this login requirement won’t be there and you won’t have this specific issue (though I assume you probably won’t stay with Rocket.Chat anyway due to the E2EE requirement).

But where did those `` jitsi-meet://` links come from?

The calls generated inside rocket.chat are supposed to be handled by the rocket.chat app, everything else it doesn’t get involved with.

(I wrote this integration so I’m legitimately interested in how it could be better)

Some of the items on that list are kinda weird. Why would I want to block a website from knowing my screen size?

Meta was also recently ordered to pay a thousand dollars to every brazilian who can prove they were using Facebook in a specific year. Though they are still fighting back on that decision and no payment was made yet.

This will probably be changed into some fixed payment to the government instead, if not overturned completely, but it would be fun to see the whole country getting some extra paychecks for using Facebook.