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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I wouldn’t bother with the app. Log in through the website with lite apps.

There’s user name generators. Even fantasy name generators too so it’s not a weird jumble of letters and numbers like a password.

Since the ad push led to me fully adopting newpipe and freetube not anymore.

Yeah, there’s no proper screening process and companies aren’t help liable for malicious advertisements. It’s the Wild west out there, and companies take money from anyone due to there being no consequences. Internet advertising has no proper screening process like network television.

I’m surprised that government devices aren’t heavily locked down so users only have the bare minimum apps and lock installs. Even weirder that government officials would be allowed to use the device for personal use. That’s how I’d think work devices would be handled to try to reduce attack vectors.

You probably had different interest, travel, and product usage patterns now than you did ten years ago. I don’t see why behavioral patterns wouldn’t continue to change going forward, so as old data becomes obsolete taking care of present and future data is still worth doing to some extent even if past data might be freely available.

If you don’t want to abandon an account after a single post then only thing as others have mentioned is self displicine in what you share. General topics like inquiries on games, tech, and movies are probably of no special interest.

But, stuff like I’m from Atlantis and I am of noble lineage of the lobster clan who is part of an alliance to overthrow the clan of Corrals is too much info to be giving. Basically don’t share stuff you wouldn’t be comfortable people knowing in real life.

If there is this much paranoia though I think just lurking is the way to go, and keeping only an account for asking questions that is worded as unassuming as possible. Maybe even have AI rephrase what you wanted to ask.

Enter different profile depending on the finger print or pin you use.

Have attempts left before device is erased be something you can have be misleading, so show there’s 10 attempts but really there’s only 4.

Be able to feed false permission data to apps so even without sandboxing it won’t see your contact list and mic access doesn’t actually give access to the real mic.