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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


You really gonna come in here with a “want privacy? Must be because you’re a criminal.”? Get the fuck out.

There’s a reason I tell people that if I ever met God or Santa Claus, of beat their ass for assuming my end of the deal without me.

Perhaps the car’s hood prevents the windows from operating?

Did you do a crime? Well as the authority round these parts, you know I get a cut.

Here ya go ya fuckin tool: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/the-issues/preventing-gun-violence/

Need anything else? I can hold your hand while you shit if you pay enough. You’re clearly rich enough to never go outside.

Do I really need a reference to point out your party’s major stances? FFS, do you even know them yourself, or do you just pick a color and root for your team like it’s sports?

I pretty well hate the whole concept of capitalists building a profile about me to better manipulate me. None of this should be legal. Don’t wanna give me a loan without all this information? Good. Don’t give me a loan. Now get rid of my data. That shit is nobody’s business but mine. It’s almost certainly used for discrimination and mass manipulation as well. It’s the kind of thing one would use to knock down their political opposition.

Can you see yourself right now? You’re literally lying and discrediting purely based of personal impression, and that’s the same behavior your whole crowd has that I have a problem with.

To bear arms.

Also nobody seems interested in male reproductive rights.

Also, have you seen how leftist moderators here on Lemmy behave?

No it’s not. Crypto is very specifically not that. It’s an open ledger.

Yeah, I’m gonna vote with my bullets. It’s dramatically more effective. Who wants to stop me from seeing naughty bits so bad they’ll put their life on the line trying to come after me?

If I start a video series about Space Station 14, would you subscribe and comment on pornhub?

More importantly, would you fap? I’d feel really accomplished for making fappable content.

I see Spain wants ALL of my money. Sucks for them I don’t live there and even if I did, I’m better at Internet than their legislators.

Yeah that much is clear. I’m all about the alternatives when it’s freedom and open source software, but when it’s 'haha fuck those straight people because someone was mean to me and made me embarrassed in middle school", that shit is just childish echo chamber nonsense. It’s okay to be into whatever sex stuff you’re about. It’s okay if someone else’s sex stuff feels like bad vibes to you. Shit is weird. It’s not okay to dictate availability of that shit for someone else. That’s why I don’t fuck with Nexus mods. What else are they hiding from me?

I’ve got no problem with the gay mods bro. I’m bi. I’ve got a problem with “it’s ok when it’s gay but not when it’s straight”. That’s exclusion. Doing it back to them is not justice.

I don’t generally feel the need to mod sex into my games anyhow. I want that college of winterhold and extra spells and shit. I’ve got other games for sex.

Oh, so now it’s bad to be uncomfortable. So now they gotta take it and be uncomfortable with it, but YOUR comfort matters? Get over yourself. You’re just being tribalistic. You don’t care what’s good and right. You want your side to win. You’re a hypocrite.

I haven’t really bothered modding anything since Skyrim. Regardless, if I do, I won’t really have anything to do with Nexus. Attention is money.

What makes all straight bigoted while all gay is not? Hypocrite. It’s only discrimination if it’s white or straight or male now? You can have it how you like but they can’t? Go fuck yourself however you please, but they gotta fuck themselves also how you please?

How do you feel when someone turns everything not Shrek into Shrek? Who gives a damn? Nexus didn’t pull rank with the BG3 mod that makes everyone gay. The fact that one group in the category is bigger than the other doesn’t matter. That’s just discriminating specifically against the majority which makes no more sense than discriminating against the minority. Pick a stance that isn’t hypocritical. You can have your all gay wonderland but they can’t have their all straight wonderland? Get fucked. Get fucked however you like. I’m personally only interested in gameplay and graphical improvements, but I won’t waste a moment dealing with a discriminatory host like Nexus.

Idk what that is. This is about that mod where some dude wanted all the relationships in BG3 to be straight couples. Nexus mods is okay with all the relationships being gay, but not all of them being straight? The hypocrisy is ridiculous. We can’t have our fantasy play time be dictated by other people, so why should they?

Edit: It might have been Skyrim. Not sure. Either way, people should get to do whatever they like in the privacy of their homes with whatever shapes please them, and it shouldn’t be up to Nexus mods to say which communities can share their fantasy shit and which can’t do long as they’re positioned as the primary access point for the whole modding scene. It’s literally discrimination. Those who say otherwise are probably the same trolls that say only men can rape.

Hey parents, wanna let me hold your money for safe keeping? I sure you it’s safer with me.

Maybe instead, so ya wanna stop getting your fucking children involved with proprietary software and remote hosting ya fucking dunces!??!

Got back into it the other day and it’s still everything I love about it!