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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2021


Also, this ground breaking AI model I made to do this was umm accidentally erased and I also forgot how to do make it.

Jury: “seems reasonable”

I completely agree. I’ve started to migrate my work stuff to Linux to see if it will work.

I’m not hopeful that it will work, but the dev said I can try to use wine and that is not against their policy to do so and that I works but have to worry about an account ban.

So, let’s hope for the best.

You can use Steam’s proton even on non Steam games. It might work better than wine.

As someone who does not play Minecraft, what are some of the major differences between mineclone2 and Minecraft?

I’m just curious, so no need to respond if it’s too much effort to explain🙏

I have been using Libreoffice for a while. I am not a poweruser of these kinds of apps, but I still need them.

I have been very happy with them and they are decently customizable. The ram usage difference between this and the office suite was bigger than I expected.

There is one thing I have not been able to figure out.

Is there a way to make the “web View” the default when opening a document?

Their site is a bit confusing. It’s not clear whether it is free or if their is a cost to use it.

I’d like to add that even if you sell apple. The only other alternative is android and they have their own set of issues.

For me, an iPhone that allows sideloading would be a huge step towards perfect.

I like how just about everyone I who’s looked at this is basically like, “fuck apple”.

There are a few fanboys, but they are way less common than usual.

I’m hoping Apple picks up on this and reverses course.


You are a disgrace!!! How do you sleep with yourself?



But that’s a really great point. It’s easy to thinking of your threat model as all or nothing. And you are right. I’m not hiding from the law. I’m hiding from advertisers. If the government acquires my information then it was a mistake on their part as there is nothing there to find other than emails from my bank.

Sure they could, but you are a a bit more anonymous and don’t keeps logs, then there may be nothing to hand over.

Hosting your own vps directly ties internet traffic to you. They can see your ip is part of a swarm and see who owns it. If it’s owned by some guy, they can press you. If it’s owned by a company with a legal team, it’s much more difficult.

It’s not too difficult to setup, but I think people don’t realize that even if your not breaking the law, you may still have to deal with charges and going to court for years before your found innocent. All while dealing with the stress of a jury possibly finding you guilty.

Then you have prosecutors offering plea deals, so then you think do I stand my ground and risk X years in jail? Or do I plead guilty and just go to jail for 2 years?

So what if the vps hands your data to the feds and the feds are like hey, why was your vps torrenting Paul blart mall cop 2?

What do you say to that?

That’s my only concern with hosting my own vps.

Not really, I am in a third would country and if you call the landline, you still have to pay by the minute. Most businesses do not even have a landline to contact. Typically they give a viber number or messenger number.

Even when I needed to get a rabies shot, my wife found a place on facebook. They did not even have a website of their own. Sadly that is how the internet works where I live.

Other than YouTube, I’m basically off all of these centralized social media platforms and it feels great.

I do need to occasionally use Facebook for market place and messenger for contacting business.

Basically every business operates over messenger where I live.

Why do you use age? I’ve heard of it before but never used it.

I love how how angry and focused he is. Sometimes I put him on while doing chores to listen to him ramble

That’s really interesting. Thanks. I never knew this.

Honestly, gmail for bills and that kinds of stuff. iCloud for personal stuff. I do not really use email that much other than getting spam. I imagine that is true for most people. I do not understand why the privacy community is so obsessed with private email. Are you really using it for stuff that needs to be so private?

Yeah, they are a bit egotistical. I don’t use GrapheneOS and would not use GrapheneOS over other secure versions of android due to their attitude.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/5146089 > I feel like this has been the trend lately. > > Company announces something terrible, then they get back lash, then they slightly take a step back and try to pretend to be the good guys. > > Like, they knew this would happen all along. > > I am DONE with Epic.