• 8 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: May 26, 2020


If you need something powerful (but maybe not very easy to use at first) GIMP also works great for that.

I’m using Linux Mint with an Nvdia card and it works great. But I don’t have a completely new PC so I don’t need the latest of the latest stuff. Taking your hardware into account is always a good idea.

My advice: don’t switch too fast, maybe keep dual boot at first and give yourself time to learn. Try distros with a live USB stick on your system to see if it works. For the look and feel consult https://distrosea.com/ and play around. Linux can be fun and it’s serving gamers very well now (for the most part - there are games that won’t run mostly due to invasive rootkit ‘anti-cheats’).

Yay for the first post!

I cannot comment on the topic but I’m wondering if you would get more insights from the folks in the !linux@lemmy.ml community. Maybe wanna crosspost?

If you decide to contribute there, it’s quite clear that all the information is public. I mean you can see how the website is structured and what kind of information can be found at each entry.

Additionally, the github states the following about the protondb data: “Data exports from ProtonDB.com released under ODbL” - see here: https://github.com/bdefore/protondb-data

Well, I have, have you?

From their website: Legal Assistance and General Information

For legal assistance requests, general questions, or miscellaneous queries: info@eff.org info@eff.org PGP public key GPG Key Fingerprint: F2F2 1BB8 531E 9DC3 0D40 F68B 11A1 A9C8 4B18 732F Signal Number (text only): 510-243-8020. To verify it’s us, you can check the safety numbers for the conversation. Either the first half or the second half of the safety numbers should read one of the following:35593 90536 26981 58470 03363 72867 or 38948 48795 16727 63104 76636 96731.

Do you have some further reading on the active exploit of Genshin Impact’s anti-cheat?

EA Launcher, Ubisoft and Battlenet work fine with Lutris.

I wouldn’t install a kernel level “anti-cheat” crap on a Windows machine anyway, no loss here.

Also having zero issues using NVIDIA, works great. Distro wise it comes down to personal preferences and tastes. I second Mint for easy use, but I’m hearing that other distros like Nobara and PopOS also work great for gaming.

There’s literally thousands of complaints on Steam, some people also report an increase in RAM usage up to 1 GB, that’s insane on older machines, and even on new ones, I want my RAM for my games tyvm.

The number your phone provider associates you with, you can find it on your invoice.

Cool project, thanks for sharing!

I was using Linux Mint when I made the switch and it was great cause everything was just working, no tinkering needed. I want to mention https://nobaraproject.org/ though, cause it’s a modified Fedora version that works very well for gaming too.

I don’t think there’s a “best” but PopOS sure is one of the recommended ones. You might also find some answers in this post: https://lemmy.ml/post/1130762

Great recommendations here already, just chiming in to say that it works great with no issues at all.

The username sheds some light on it I believe.

Lutris and Steam. Also tried Bottles with very mixed results and Heroic Games Launcher that sometimes just works and then sometimes just doesn’t. Never tried PlayOnLinux, is there any advantage to it?