Thomas GloriousEggroll Crider has released the latest GE-Proton 9-2 with a bunch of upgrades, plus some news about the Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher.

Only me reading that as ‘uwu’?

Idk, I read it as Saber 🤷‍♂️


I liked ULWGL better.

please tell me they pronounce it You’llwiggle

if anyone like me was wondering

So, we've decided on "umu" as the rename for ULWGL.

umu "oo-moo" -- A chamber used for baking or heating.

It fits the theme of pressure-vessel, steam, etc, and it's short, easy to say in a conversation, (and jokingly uwu).

deleted by creator

umu (pronounced “oo-moo”) is a lot easier to say, at least.

Some year I’ll figure out how to use it with Heroic Launcher.

last I looked I think it’s even easier on heroic than lutris git. soonTM

ULWGL gets renamed to umu (Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher)

Thank you thank you thank you

Why is it called UMU when it Wine has a W? It should be UWU. XD

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