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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


And thus we have come full circle back to the XFire experience after so many years 😂

For taking campaign notes, bookstack might be an option. It is specifically organized in a book, chapter, page hierarchy.

I also use it for my journal and to do list just because I already used it. Probably not as full featured as obsidian though

Licensing is also harder here in Belgium.

The drivers and in the netherlands are still some of the shittiest drivers outside of Italy.

80%+ of bmw and range rover drivers (of which a huge percentage of cars are) never ever use their turn signals, people literally stand still in the middle of intersections in a 5 car pileup combined with the fact that a huge percentage of people blatantly run red lights so when the light turns green in the opposite direction during a busy period, hundreds of intersections are completely blocked causing immense traffic. This comes from the rule where you generally pass behind the car turning opposite of you. When you have a 5 car pileup in both directions, nobody can pass behind.

Not to mention the rampant “Belgian exit” where cars speed up over the speed limit to go from the right lane, passing a few cars on the left, only to re-enter the right lane past a solid line to screech into the exit a second or two faster. I see this one multiple times every time I drive.

Strict requirements don’t mean much if your driving culture is completely fucked. But culture is also the hardest thing to change.

That has absolutely 0 relevance to this post lol. Smite has literally always been Windows only.

Smite devs are very mediocre bordering on inept. It took themike a year and a half of multiple attempts to get EAC working for Linux. Crashing is prevalent on both windows and proton in smite 1.

If smite devs took on a native Linux port, it would be an absolute garbage dumpster fire filled with never fixed bugs, incompatibility, probably an unusable amount of crashes. I’d rather play decently through proton than experience that BS.

Played it a shit ton. It was always window-only.

It was plagued with EAC issues for years because the devs just couldn’t figure out at all how to enable EAC properly.

Other than that it runs fine and that issue has been fixed for a year or so.

I don’t know how it is now, but when I played league in the beta and for 4 years afterwards, I only ever saw 1 cheater.

Player toxicity was off the damn charts, but still not much of a cheating problem. Might be very different now though.

Yes, have it running right now!

But this is only the case if you store your passwords in a plaintext file on your phone. Something that I hope nobody would be dumb enough to do, but I guess many people would.

If you have an encrypted password manager like Bitwarden or so where you have a single long password to open and get at your other long secure passwords, then it is essentially a different factor than your phone, right? Since having the phone unlocked would do nothing to help the attacker get to your password vault.

I am very confused what you mean that a phone doesn’t count as a 2nd factor.

Your password is factor one.

An OTP is factor 2, whether it is on a phone or a yubikey makes literally 0 difference practically. It is a “something you have”.

If you need biometric unlock to get into your 2fa app or on the yubikey itself, that is a 3rd factor of “something you are.”

If you are very worried about someone compromising your phone app and already knowing your password, (which is not how 99% of intrusions are done) then put a pin or fingerprint on your 2FA app and it is back to being a secure 2nd factor.

The probability of someone breaking into your phone, hacking your bitwarden password, and having a fingerprint exploit that allows them to break into your 2FA app is like 1 in 1 billion unless you are like top 1000 most important people in the world. But as a thought exercise, a dongle indeed has the potential to be more secure because it is an additional “something you have” to your phone.

Lol as if. It is owned by the trade union who workers are required to be a part of, but have 0 say in.

The “union officials” are not chosen by the workers, but by management who are chosen by their management and so on until the Chinese head trade union officials which are party men who, just like in the old soviet Union, are essentially the chinese bourgeoisie. It is essentially a fascist oligarchy which is the exact same as under capitalism, just a different structure and cover story.

The workers get 0 say and there is no evidence that they share in the profit either, and huawei does not deny that structure either.


Bitwarden + aegis for everything possible.

Authelia or authentik for self hosted stuff.

Everyone. Everyone. I mean everyone here misses the biggest plus for WhatsApp compared to pretty much every other messenger. Signal is pretty much the only one as “simple” as it.

We are all too big of privacy geeks to realize what non-tech-savvy people go through with these.

  • Sign up process is dead simple from your phone. It is literally as simple as putting in your phone and PIN. Once you hit the “choosing server” on people using matrix for the first time, you have already lost them. Completely. The exact same thing happened with mastodon and lemmy. People who had no idea about how federation and decentralization were instantly lost

  • Backups: backing up is a process that the users have to do on a lot of matrix clients, or not available. People want to be able to simply move to a new phone by installing the new app, logging in, and being right back with all of your old messages. Even on signal you still have to restore the automatic backup. If you don’t have that file, you are screwed. I can’t remember if Element will sync your messages automatically to a new device.

Those 2 things and population are literally the only thing that the average person actually cares about outside of other people being available on the platform.

If you see that little i there, that is information that says “shader precaching” as the information when hovered over. It will generally be a blue patchnotes icon for a game update and an i for steam updates like precaching.

Fixed GE 8-25 for most games, fixed GE 8-6 for the displayed game “A Hat in Time”

For the past few months or so, steam precaching has been out of control. I have to download between 10 and 30 GB of shader precache data **per day**. That is extremely ridiculous. Steam's shader caches are quite often almost as large as the game itself. For example: the image here is a game that is ~7GB for the full game, downloading 10GB of shader precache. If I download an average of 30GB of shaders per day, then that is almost 1TB of data downloaded written per month just in shaders... Not to mention that games I play regularly like CS2 get a precache update literally every 2 days that is 5-10GB and if I manage to cancel it, there is 0 difference in performance at all. Also fossilize replay that takes 20%-50% CPU load, sometimes for an hour and is the single highest user of disk IO on my entire system. I would be concerned about SSD wear if it was during the early times of ssd just because of the massive amount of writes. I'm all for downloading shader precaching, but at normal intervals of after updates, not just randomly every few days when there hasn't been a game update in months or years. I don't want to delete all of my games because I only have 100/30 internet, so it would take me a long time too redownload games. Has anyone else been seeing these ridiculous intervals and datasets of shader cache? Could there at least be a selective pre-caching setting only for games that I play regularly so I am not caching shaders for games that I haven't played in 2 years?

Yes but the DeDRM plugin hasn’t worked since they migrated Python versions a few years ago, especially when you have to run a very old Adobe version in wine to grab the keys.

Linux has been my main system since 2016. Still haven’t nuked windows because I need it for removing DRM with calibre from ebooks. That is literally the only reason anymore.

Sadly I have to use it for work because Altium doesn’t run on linux, but it’s always nice to come home to a system that isn’t a buggy piece of shit like win11 😅

The only thing it is missing for me is community search. It is great! Also the most customizable of the bunch in my opinion

Well to be fair to giant spying companies, it would be fairly easy to sift through data as it comes in and only keep relevant metrics in a statistics database and throw out the rest before the day is through.

For giants like LG, Samsung, etc… it would be a drop in the bucket.

You can definitely back up your messages… I have auto backups to my SD card…

Cs2 doesn’t even have gungames, scoutknivez, or any fun casual game modes like CS:GO.

Golden age was still minigames and gungames servers of CS:S. Those minigame servers were a blast.

I have the old steam link to. 1080p 60Hz is the max rate specs.

KVM is indeed a good idea!

Playing with a 3600X and a 5700XT.

The first little bit I had problems with freezing or huge lag spikes and rubber-banding. (Doesn’t help that I am playing on NA servers from EU, not in a city)

Played yesterday for the first time in a week or so and it was flawless. NY server was only 91ms too.

I feel like I have MUCH less issue with my screen being radically different than the server positioning than CS:GO, probably due to their new refresh system.

I would regularly get shot behind walls, have video of me shooting them in the head while the server said “nope, you were aiming 2 meters away from them” and stuff like that and it has gone much much better on CS2. I feel like I am actually playing on 100 ping and not 200 disguised as 100.

Depends on hand size maybe? The steam controller for me and one of my friends was simply instantly completely comfortable. Something like dual shocks are way too small and give hand cramps. SC feels like it was made for my hands lol

Hot CPU?

Is the CPU fan running?

Is CPU usage stuck high?

A lot of dust in the cooler fins?

Is it a stock CPU or aftermarket?

Is the plastic sticker off of the CPU cooler?

Enough thermal paste on the CPU?

Screws tightened down enough on CPU cooler?

That’s pretty much the order of diagnosing CPU air cooler problems lol

Is rate switching the reason that having a discord call open while playing some games causes sporadic static? Different sample rates?

There are a ton of couch co-op games! Just not AAA

  • Ultimate chicken horse (great for kids!)
  • It takes Two
  • Overcooked 1 & 2 (difficult for kids)
  • jackbox games for parties
  • Super Bunny man
  • cuphead
  • human fall flat
  • lovers in a dangerous spacetime
  • magika
  • all Lego games (they have everything for kids interests)
  • moving out 2

I had problems after an update a while back until I used the

-vulkan launch option. You could try that!

The steam version is also DRM free IIRC.

Why does that make you able to play co-op over LAN?

I use vortex, it was dead simple to set up if you read the instructions (like disabling internet access and disabling update checking) and it has worked flawlessly for 1.5 years


No headphone jack

They actually seem like quality phones when my girlfriend’s friend got one, but seriously? No headphone Jack and force you to use wireless buds that will have to be thrown away when the tiny battery degrades?