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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Apr 16, 2019


Not exactly. When building for play store release - google injects their tracking into the binary.

I get the same issue all the time lately. Search, click link, go back - clicked link gone, different results shown.

This doesn’t affect websites as such - it’s the end clients, i.e. browsers that would be forced to accept gov issued CAs. I don’t see anyone going after TOR as it’s already a very niche thing, so it should be fine.

Oh, it doesn’t - the restriction is not in place to begin with. But it will definitely happen if this is to go through.

No idea about what happened behind the closed doors, if anything; but I feel like compiling your browser with a patchset that removes the restriction on CA removal is going to become a thing. Good thing I’m on Gentoo already.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.cafe/post/1482289 > It's an opinion article, but I heavily agree with it. It's really sad that technical decisions are made by chimps who can't tell the difference between a computer and internet.

In short.

  • You’re fairly private, I don’t see maths just getting broken - i.e. the stuff you do is not visible to the outside.
  • You’re very easy for big tech to track. They don’t know what you’re doing directly, but inference engines are very powerful nowadays.
  • Most websites do not, indeed, do first party tracking.

What you’re saying here is very different from what you’re saying in the OP.

How private am I?

how easy do you think it still is for big tech to track me?

most websites don’t do a lot of “first party” tracking.

These are all very different questions. I guess my bad for only answering the second one.

@Aspaldiko@feddit.de This is what I would’ve said. Hiding in plain sight is the solution. It gets tricky when you want to send a message and not leave a trail at all, but in essence - privacy != anonymity.

This is a very simple question to answer:

If you have a way to run wireguard - it’s a lifesaver. My LAN is wherever I am :)

I personally only run pihole and ublock origin. Pihole takes care of the most stuff, ublock picks up the leftovers where domain blocking is not good enough. I’d like to believe this saves some juice on battery powered devices, but I’ve never actually measured it nor noticed it.

You’re being disingenuous.

What it gets wrong is ethics. If you’re writing about one thing, but giving it a title of another - you’re a shit publication.

This is a shit article from a shit source. It references itself, which, in turn, references guardian. There’s no mention of police pulling data from period tracking services. The only related thing I could find in OP was a quote from whatever tortoisemedia is:

We already know that police routinely remove phones and computers from women suspected of having an [illegal] abortion and it’s even happening following miscarriage and pregnancy loss.

And it sucks, but this is not a dystopian surveillance bullshit OP is trying to sell. Put a password on your shit and you’re good to go.

Your accounts are always checking in from the same IP. That’s the simplest method of detection. Add some behavioural traits and it’s scarily accurate.

I guess I agree, but because the title felt a lot like a youtube channel clickbait promo, I bit. In an opposite way.

There’s no such thing as magic. Some computation is absolutely getting skipped.

I have. They don’t need your email to do it. In fact, they’ve been doing it forever. Your phone is a bt and wifi beacon.

My comment was to literally try helping op get at least some use out of their predatory behaviour.

Have you tried using any email? Literal example:


Somw setups don’t validate much

F-droid is a bit slow rolling out updates as they recompile everything themselves. The only reason to use ffupdater would be to speed it up, I suppose.

From what I understand you’re running the script posted here, right?

ArchWiki link on pacman hooks;

Manpage link for hook format.

What you need is a file - let’s call it stick-of-joy.hook - in /etc/pacman.d/hooks:

Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Type = Package
Target = linux
Description = Install a stick of joy
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /bin/bash -c /path/to/script

Writing this up on the go, so might have missed a syntax error or something. Make sure the script is executable - chmod +x /path/to/script.

You can test it by reinstalling the linux package - pacman -S linux.

In regard to reinstalling drivers - look into pacman hooks. You want one for the kernel to trigger driver reinstallation.

I’ve only really had issues with outlook rejecting email when I had DKIM config messed up, but it’s been fine the last few years. I’ve emailed friends, companies, their support endpoints - it’s worked well. There are penalties for new domains and new IPs used within the domain, but they go away in a week or so.

It is only a lot of work to set it up. Once done, though - just keep renewing the domain and applying updates to the server. ~5 moneyunits/month for the server and ~10/year for the domain. Get in touch if you’re genuinely interested - I can give you a hand.

Fdroid basic allows automatic updates!

The guadian project repos are also preset, albeit not enabled by default.

Suse is dirty from that sellout deal with Microsoft; Oracle is, well, Oracle - they’re more interested in suing everyone out of existence than building something; CiQ - I’ve never heard of them before, but they seem to be offering paid support for RockyLinux. Honestly, this band does not look great.

Floriaboard deserves a shoutout. As a multilingual, I value the mixing languages without switching them. Takes some time to adjusr and no autocorrect for now, but it’s getting there.

So glad to hear! This is probably my first ever attempt at helping a fellow stranger and actually getting to the solution!

I’m glad they found a way, but at the same time - what the hell? Why is it OK for game devs of this magnitude to have a hardcoded hardware list? Look for feature support, not a string that is easy to manipulate outside your control!

Try downloading the deb and installing it manually using dpkg -i. Maybe that will allow it to skip this dependency.

OK, so that did not trigger the reinstallation of the missing file. Try reinstalling libklibc:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall libklibc

OK, this is concerning. Try downloading the installer and installing it manually:

sudo apt download initramfs-tools
sudo dpkg -i initramfs-tools.whatever.is.the.actual.name.deb

debconf: (Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide.)

This suggests your terminal is too small for debconf output. Could be missing some important log output.

If your /lib is intact, then you might need to reinstall initramfs-tools.

Check if the missing file exits:

ls -la /lib/klibc-*.so

If it does - it could a permission issue. dpkg-reconfigure initramfs-tools might fix it.

If it doesn’t - try reinstalling initramfs-tools:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall initramfs-tools

Also please increase the window size of your terminal.

And use tripe backticks to paste terminal output/code. Makes it easier to read.



debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog debconf: (Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide.) debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline Setting up linux-firmware (20230629.gitee91452d-0ubuntu1+system76168959496022.04~9d563bf) … update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.2.6-76060206-generic cp: cannot stat ‘/lib/klibc-*.so’: No such file or directory E: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/klibc-utils failed with return 1. update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-6.2.6-76060206-generic with 1. dpkg: error processing package linux-firmware (–configure): installed linux-firmware package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: linux-firmware E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


would result in

debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog debconf: (Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide.) 
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline Setting up linux-firmware (20230629.gitee91452d-0ubuntu1+system76168959496022.04~9d563bf) … 
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.2.6-76060206-generic cp: cannot stat ‘/lib/klibc-*.so’: No such file or directory E: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/klibc-utils failed with return 1. update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-6.2.6-76060206-generic with 1. dpkg: error processing package linux-firmware (–configure): installed linux-firmware package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: linux-firmware E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Not entire sure what the outrage here is. It’s an ML company, not a privacy company. Anyone assuming their daft prompts are private are just naive.

I’ve recently tried Memories for Nextcloud. It does seem to do the job, although my 1 core 1gb ram vps is way too weak for it, so thumbnails don’t get generated consistently.

As for S3 - Nextcloud does support it.