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I’m looking to move away from Google Photos, and I already use Backblaze B2 to sync my Joplin notes. Is there a piece of software that can store my photos on S3, while also providing a gallery view (á la Apple/Google Photos)?

I will be using this on iOS, Linux, and possibly a deGoogled Android ROM (in the future). Multiple different apps are fine, as long as they can work together.

In terms of features, I don’t really care whether it’s minimalist or if it has all the bells and whistles. As long as it does its job.

I have already looked into Nextcloud and Piwigo, but it’s not financially sustainable for me to self-host at the minute. I also don’t want to pay for Cryptomator if there’s a free alternative.



I’ve recently tried Memories for Nextcloud. It does seem to do the job, although my 1 core 1gb ram vps is way too weak for it, so thumbnails don’t get generated consistently.

As for S3 - Nextcloud does support it.

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