
Don’t ask me what my name means

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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 02, 2024


Sadly it seems our best bet would be to build it ourselves.

He said pellet gun, not roof mounted anti-air guns

And yet all of my friends and family refuse to leave whatsapp no matter what because everyone they talk to is also on whatsapp and they don’t want to deal with multiple apps.


Or worse, how about some horny singles in my area with moans for the whole plane to hear

Clearly you haven’t worked on new Dodge vehicles as they have completely locked their engine diagnostic behind a massive paywall that Dodge can revoke if they feel like to leaving you unable to work on that engine. VW, Merc, Volvo, BMW have all been calling home for the past 10-15 years now as a mandatory way to re-enable ice engines. Ford and Chevy are also looking to (if they haven’t already) locking their internal CPU behind a paywall as well.

TL;DR - All new cars (ev or ice) are getting “features” that lock you out of “working on the engine”

The fcc DOJ is actually launching a lawsuit into Apple’s walled garden

UPDATE: Thanks for the correction