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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


dozens of variations

this is like saying windows 10 and 11 are completely different operating systems that can’t run the same .exes

just learned through another reply, thank you for putting my mind more at ease brothers 🤝

oh damn, didn’t know about tor’s history either! thank you for the relief. faith restored cautiously

i had history disabled for a while until i realized that it then forgets your progress in longer videos… deal-breaker for me

this title totally buries the lead lede: outlook has started displaying ads in inboxes, that’s the story and that’s what Proton was pointing out

critical damage to the “privacy-conscious people are not freaks” message

sorry iOS users

EU is forcing apple to allow sideloading. not sure when the deadline was, i think next year?

apple sucks for many reasons but this is just blatant fanboy mudslinging lol. i use plenty of foss on my apple devices, mainly mac

seem like they offer a lot for free

i gladly pay for proton knowing that i’m helping fund a critical tool for activists under oppressive regimes :)

Wasn’t there also a controversy where some people believed that telegram was private and secure, but that only was for a very limited subset of their features?

i think you’re thinking of how you have to go out of your way to start a “secret chat” for it to have the touted encryption. those “secret chats” are way less feature-rich than the standard ones though, which sucks ass

do you think someone walks around the forest to water each individual tree?

DDG is untrustworthy because it is US-based, and because its CEO and founder is also the founder of “The Names Database”

i’m comprehending that much, but i don’t understand how extensions “announce” themselves to the websites (except for content blockers). does my browser send a number corresponding to the amount of extensions i have installed? or are they listed out individually by hash or name?

but where do extensions come into the picture? i apologize if i’m missing something obvious here, but the only thing that article says about extensions is that blocking specific trackers counts as fingerprint data. but the VAST majority of my extensions aren’t blocking anything, they just customize the pages

can someone explain extension fingerprinting to me? i’ve always heard about it, but to my layman brain it doesn’t make sense that a locally executed modification of css (in the case of dark reader) gives any kind of data to the site host. i guess for ublock it makes more sense since i’m guessing that has to do with blocking specific requests from going out in the first place, or what?

smoked 2 boxes of cigarettes in one sitting

that seems like an extremely reckless way to scold your child

hey don’t put that on gen z, dumbasses come in all ages (although mostly boomers)

yooooo thanks for this tip! my only issue with proton pass is that if i click away from firefox, the extension fades away. this is a great workaround for that until they polish the extension a little more :)

my brother, is pornhub blocked in your country? why do you settle for ig pics

another +1 for syncthing

i ditched dropbox for it 6+ years ago and i have never had a single issue with it. super fast and never gets in your way

thanks chat gpt, anyway you got a link to the anarchist cookbook?

happily using proton since 2017. i endorse their work so much that i upgraded to a basic paid plan way back, and then when they changed the subscription tier system, i was automatically grandfathered into the most premium personal plan (simplelogin, 10 simultaneous vpn connections, etc) while keeping my original subscription price :)

i’m so happy to see them continue to flourish and support noble causes like anti-censorship under oppressive regimes and free tools for activists fighting for their lives.


  1. it is US-based
  2. the CEO is the former founder of the “Names Database”

for the love of god, use anything but DDG. Qwant is EU-based and has decent results, SearX is another one which lets you choose between instances (or host your own).

please stop taking US “privacy” services seriously. i was hoping people would know better on here, compared to reddit


  1. it is US-based
  2. the CEO is the former founder of the “Names Database”

for the love of god, use anything but DDG. Qwant is EU-based and has decent results, SearX is another one which lets you choose between instances (or host your own).

please stop taking US “privacy” services seriously. i was hoping people would know better on here, compared to reddit