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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Really, It feels like I get it every 4 or 5 months

No, they run fine without gamescope (just want it for fixing mouse lock issues)

Whenever I try to use gamescope on a few games, it produces weird visual artifacting that looks like lots of small sections of the screen are in the wrong place. Example 1: https://i.imgur.com/9j9LLYm.jpeg - spec ops: the line Example 2: https://i.imgur.com/FvA51pT.jpeg - dishonored Any ideas what's causing this? I'm using `gamescope -f -H 2560 -W 1440 -- %command%`. It also happens if I just do `gamescope %command%`. System information: * Desktop: Plasma 5.27.10 wayland * Kernel: 6.7.2-arch1-1 * Mesa: 23.3.4-arch1.2 * CPU: Ryzen 7800x3d * GPU: Radeon RX 7900 XTX

Oh yeah generally I’d agree, with firefox I just think it’d be better to do what will push the fewest people away as long as it’s possible to maintain development.

Mozilla doesn’t have the sort of leverage to make an impact by abandoning apple devices. Firefox has an incredibly low market share and this could push people to other browsers. People tend to use the same browser for stuff like bookmark and password syncing, so abandoning ios could have larger consequences.

I guess it would work, as long as you’re using an up to date zip implementation with AES-256 encryption. I guess my question would be why bother? Being compressed doesn’t add any real additional benefit, since just using text shouldn’t take up much space.

Is recommend just using an actual password manager for convenience, since you aren’t really gaining any security by only storing your passwords in a file.

:( sad none of them fixed it. I’ve had stuff like that. Usually it either resolved itself or worked after reinstalling the game and drivers.

I assume you’re talking about Diablo 4 (please actually type out the game, it makes it easier for people to help and makes it easier for people with issues to find solutions)

Is there a crash log?

Looking at https://www.protondb.com/app/2344520, there’s a couple things suggested:

Using proton ge instead of normal proton

Install via lutris instead of steam.

Use PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 %command% as the launch options. This tricks the game into thinking you have an amd gpu and disables nvdia specific optimizations that could maybe cause issues.

%command% -adapter 1 might switch to the gpu if you’re on a laptop with integrated and dedicated graphics.

Yeah, I was very confused, I thought they were maybe making a less privacy invasive alternative

Huh, didn’t even realize Reagan was associated with the phrase

No, but I trust audits


I do agree they have a big tech feel that I don’t like, but everything I’ve seen indicates they’re trustworthy.

Yeah, it’s insane to suggest a sound card instead of spending the time to fix it or just not release the Linux version.

I guess at least the successful ones will be able to pay for the kid’s therapy.

I’m using florisboard, though I think the project is dead, there hasn’t been any activity in the github since last year