Banned from because they are Anti-Semitic

If you self identity as: Communist, pro Russia, pro China, anti Nato anti EU, Nazi, or spam bot, please do yourself a favor and delete your account.

“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


My Google account is so old it’s probably deemed historical, there is no age, there is nothing. Its just a email address and a picture. Everything so far works for me, i use Revanced for referencing purposes.

Id recommend Radio Garden, its pretty nice and has Radio from around the world, its also not too bad regarding privacy from what I’ve experienced.

Mint is great, it runs on my refrigerator so it should run on most other Hardware as well, and its pretty Beginner-friendly, and the community is helpful.

Otherwise the ghost of trump will come after you calling voter fraud and “stolen election”

Schools in my country are not allowed to use it at all, so they kinda do.

Zoom was always a gigantic shitshow and borderline illigal in a lot of countrys.

100% ublock origin Firefox + NextDNS + privacy bager

God dammit! Im going to build my own hardware from scratch!

Common boys! Pack the shovels we need silicon!

Ironically the Pixels are the easiest to de-Google.

Apple wants your data as well

Sounds like the biggest you problem imaginable… The search just downranks the shit, you can still find it.

DDG does not index .onion websites, is it censorship?

And downranking search engine optimized Covid and Russia desinformation is part of being a useful search engine. If you search for “Ukraine” and the first 20 results are obviously Kremlin propaganda, your search engine is trash and nobody will use it because the results are unreliable at best.

The tracker issue had and has nothing to do with the search engine, just with the app. Yes that wasn’t a good thing but rather insignificant.

VPN to the virgin islands, should be in English then and they are basically not enforcing anything, if not that try Belize, basically the same story.

Ireland is also a option or Switzerland if nothing else woks route through TOR

They try but always get fucked raw in the ass by courts… Sad that Achsel Voss wasn’t found by some criminal until now. That sorry excuse of a human is driving this shit together with a hand full of other assholes.

Yeah, unfiltered results would include .onion websites…

Yeah but… That was like 10 very loud idiots. There was a time where “news sites” spammed covid misinformation and they where right to block it.

The DDG problems where with their app because it had some Microsoft tracker in, nothing with the search engine.

What they gonna do? Send the CIA after someone online shit posting, they could find me probably, but they have no reason to.

Its almost, but law enforcement isn’t my problem. (also they are incompetent in my country)

With the data they could literally impersonate you, this data gets sold to shady assholes, the data is regularly leaked, most isn’t public data but shit like your location, phone number or sometimes even credit card info.

Also, why should i allow anyone to know about me, im a literal ghost online, you can’t find me, and thats good.

A good Bluetooth receiver, some speakers, a 3,5 mm spliter and lots of 3,5 mm cables.


You know what, i just take that as a joke…

Wasn’t that a known thing already? I mean humans are a moving interference and partially reflect the microwaves, so its kinda obvious that its technically possible to do that… That would btw likely work with Radio waves as well, probably harder however, because they cover more area and therefore have more background noise.

Yeah Proton is super cheap compared and also a lot less Trubble.

Im not from usa, anything you record of me, even texts could make you liable for personal rights violations in Germany.

Do you need to state the obvious when only providing alternatives?